mary's, do you go to cpnc or uc. where is the lowest mortality for that surgery in the city? where is the lowest post operator infectionar yshg. you ask your father in-law who maybe had the surgery, but you don't have any facts or data to make that decision on. so our members need to know what is going on in health care and how they can make the best decisions. they know their cost are going up every year, they're paying higher copays, higher coinsurance, their premiums are going up, what can they do to manage the cost of health care. transparency means helping them make a decision. we pay more every year as an employer and we have really no idea whether the care we're purchasing is better are or worse than the year before. the lack of data transparency is there for us as well as purchasers. it's more expensive but we don't know what to do. we pay or shift cost to employees and none are sustainable. believe it or not, the people who are providing health care to us have the same problem. they have no more access to to data than we do. the doctors are trying to make decisions o