the cpsc. the chair on the left is full of flame retardant chemicals. the one on the right has no flame retardants. in less than a minute, the differences between the two chairs are minimal. in july of last year, the commission's chair testified before the senate. >> if fire retardant foams did not offer a practically significant greater level of open flame safety than the untreated foam. >> i'm a dad. you think you're doing the right thing by buying products that are flame retardant. you're saying that they're both ineffective and potentially harmful. >> they're ineffective. they cause toxic problems that could last generations. >> see if we can take a look and find out. >> there's a label, i bet. every couch has this label. >> come in, notice. >> this article meets the flammability requirements of california bureau of home furnishings technical bulletin 117. care should be exercised near open flame or with burning cigarettes. >> when you read that, what does that mean to you? >> it means it's loaded with toxic flame retardant chemicals that don't prev