miss crabtree ? shut up kid ! i have to watch a training video !e stranded". by now you've calmed down the children and kept order by using the "keep quiet or i'll kill the bunny" technique. now it's time to get help. the most important thing to remember is that the children will be safe as long as they stay on the bus. so, do not, under any circumstances, let any children off the bus. the best way to achieve this is to tell them something like, "a big scary monster will eat you if you step off the bus". kids, do not get off this bus ! if you do, a big, scary monster will eat you ! that's right. with the children properly subdued, you can leave the bus and go out looking for assistance. and remember your bus driver's code, "sit down and shut up" ! i'm going for help ! i'll be back as soon as i can ! remember, don't get off this bus or a big, scary monster will eat you ! hey, why doesn't the scary monster eat her ? 'cause, dumb ass, scary monsters don't eat big fat smelly bitches. ( miss crabtree ) what did you say ?! i saidlarry kingwill grant me t