it puts it in good context and i think that there are things things that we will be taking in very cracing, and in a more con secretary youal way in the specific responses that the port has made and i think that it is something that we need to sort of figure out in between, and i think that it is communication and that needs to work and i think that there is hopefully a better understanding and not just for today's commission meeting of the topics that we do in balance what we are trying to accomplish, which i think that you all tried to point out to us as well and so i appreciate the fact that you have come and the comments that you made. and i believe that we as a commission works toward trying to address both the interest of groups and the stake holders, and so that are in the city, and that you would have pointed out the difficult position that we are in, in terms of what we are trying to do, as far as also, maintaining the viability of the water front. and i think that some of the comments as far as the other agencies, i believe that we have made progress, and in that regard, and i ca