grad student robbie craddock was one of those young voters...excited to vote for the first time...but come november 6th of this year, he won't even be casting a ballot. (craddock/communications graduate student) "man yeah, i was 18 years old..ready to vote. like yeah i get to vote right when it's time, black president..well half black or whatever. and so i was super fired up and excited and thinking that 'oh yeah i'm going to change history...i'm going to help change history." but some students believe that the hype of 2008...has disappeaered. (craddock/communications graduate student) "there was a big push for us to go out and vote. um i haven't really felt that at all this year..i mean you got the people screaming around here on campus to register to vote, but it's like why, why should we?" and he's not alone. students say either their vote dosen't matter, they don't have time, or they're not well-informed. (emile aranda/ health science sophmore) "i don't really pay attention to the debates, so i just feel like i'm not educated on that part to cast my vote." the institute of politics predicts that only 46 percent of youth are certain they will vote in this upcoming election. many s