and then a very helpful questionnaire to use for alcohol and drugs is called the crafft, c-r-a-f-f-t,se letters stands for a question. and then for depression, the phq-2 can be a good initial screener, and the phq-9 is more of a more complete, yet still brief, assessment instrument. and it's very easy: just ask the questions, add up the scores, and give an indication what level of risk or problem someone might have. we can never use these tools to make a firm diagnosis, but at least they're a good indication. and actually, if a parent is concerned, they can find these tools online. and if they have a good, trusting relationship with their young one, maybe they can ask. but if they're not sure they're the best person, chances are they're not, and may be good to let somebody in a clinical setting handle it. and in our agency, we have a hybrid agency, where we have a prevention branch and a direct clinical services branch. in both branches, we use the gain, and for prevention, we started adapting the gain short screener. and this gives us a real quick picture: is this youth heading towar