also joining us is michelle meyers craig callahan is president of icon advisers and briyan reynolds, guys, it's great to have you all here. you guys in the wake of this, correct me if i'm wrong, now have moved up that rate cut, forecasts say, yeah, it's going to happen at month end, right? >> that's right. we were kind of on the fence looking at the data assuming that strong jobs report. ism above 50 would allow the fed to have a little more time to assess conditions before making a move but powell very much adjusted the otherwise today. he made it very clear as steve said that this is a fed that is looking to act they're very worried about uncertainties. and they're looking at a broad range of data, mostly global data, in terms of informing this view so to me i think a 25 biscuit. they want to be aggressive they want to be early, and they want to ensure that this is a recovery that can continue, and they're not waiting to see evidence of slowing in the data. >> craig callahan, i know that you think that they've tightened too much last year, but i want to talk about the why they're d