this is a brief introduction to the main event, which is craig dikers. first, we want to thank everyone involved,edth warriors, design team, large city staff team, and most importantly the cac and the community at large for working with us to develop and respond to a design concept in what has been a very short period of time given the magnitude and complexity of the project. and second, we want to make it clear that even though as you will see, there is a ton of work and thought, there is obviously put into the design so far, we are very early in the process and there will be a lot more evolution over the next year. so, by way of a brief introduction to the concept itself or the design itself, please keep in mind that this is a concept, not a finished design ferment however, pretty some of the pictures look, this is a concept. that means it's more about at this stage the function of the sites, use kind of a prosaic word, the shapes, the materials of the building are not proposed yet. basically today we would ask you to focus on whether the proposal succ