craig dipers gave a pretty compelling vision. i've got a few selected slides. this is looking south from the embarcadero of the proposed fire station component of the project apblgd some of the redesigned retail along the embarcadero and this is looking sort of in the northeast direction across the pier level plaza to some of the open space that rises to meet the multi purpose venue. that version 3 differed from the prior versions in some key respects that i'll just i'll provide a few details. they really worked hard to lower the height of the facility so that it's now 125 feet above the pier deck. they have tried to shrink the total square footage of the development really largely in response to some feedback from bcdc staff. they have increased as a result of that shrinkage the amount of open space on the project now totaling a little over 60 percent of the site or 7.6 acres. they've got a new entrance to the facility, a mid-block entrance along the embarcadero that's designed to really improve safety and separate pedestrian and bicycle traffic from auto traf