would be allocating money directly to such a specialized agency would you feel the same way if the cramond would have been found wiring money directly to rosado would. set off any red flags while. your knowledge of the internal funding of national governments is obviously much better than mine i think that from the point of view of the way the dollars within a government's operations find their way into. battling doping in sport and promoting the messages around the value of the sport is and is a national concern and. it's. under national jurisdiction that's sovereign it's independent and each country i guess has their own manner in making that happen and so i can't comment on the way things are in the united states i could certainly feel and how it happens in canada if that's of interest well i just want to point out that interest in antidoping activity by the. white house. occurred immediately after the sochi olympics i mean that's when the money started coming not before but starting in january two thousand fifteen but i want to ask you one more. question specifically about the north am