done cravings democratic state senate of the louisiana has been fighting since nine hundred ninety two to try to reform the legal system in his state. we fail i mean we fail miserably because we have not provided a better community we have not transformed their lives of those young people especially who make mistakes we've not given them an opportunity to redirect their lives so what we do is we tend to believe that if we lock them away lock them up and throw away the key that somehow we're going to be safer i don't think our system is failing it just means that our culture demands a different criminal justice system than they have in your bennett demands the death penalty or. the. most will be out of control in this country if we don't take a very firm stance. as you may or may not know a child whose parent is in costa rated has a five time greater chance of want to present themselves so we are creating generations of new in sometimes even worse criminals. and and and we paying for it and we paying for it miserably in. this prison policy is costly. in two thousand and five louisiana b