crcrack vertical l farming, h how doest work? how much global area you can get out of the building. growing things vertical ali make sense if you do't have e enough land where you want to g grow yr food.. the way ththat we sosolve it is from building, constructing a ildiding where you don't rkrk th hororontal stories. instd we have an open coconsuctionon ung a helicical shape, but much -- which letsts much more sunlight into the core of the building. then we have a logistics systetm for how to move our crops at the sasame time e as they grgrow ine vertical building. >> when will the plantagon begin prproducing and what willt produce? 2013.the end of depends on the local authororities.. we are ready t to start building atat this stage. we will hahave a production of 300 to 500 tons every y year. on that building, the e footprit on the ground is 4 400 square meters. that is the whole poinint of dog things vertical. on the footptprint on the grorod of 400 square meters, that is like a normal garden that you have your house. we produce 500 tons of food every year.. inwill be going back k