. -- creasy aspects of the law that is 13,000 pages no wonder we're all confused. many problems. they don't even know if they give you the right number. do you agree? >> most americans wait until the final day of shopping season but that penalty has no teeth it is just a strong suggestion. unless you have a tax refund coming due for the next tax year you will not pay a penalty under this provision. gerri: the irs will police this and saying hiring over 10,000 people to do this. dr. brooks, what is the government mandating with these policies? >> the coverage is pride to include mammograms, colonoscopy, exa minations and subsidies for other evaluations and yet -- the actual cost continues to escalate in the insurance companies have to provide these products while at the same time to make a profit. so over the next eight years the cost of health care for families for private health insurance will go up $7,000 under the affordable care act. gerri: that is the expectation / the number of americans, talk about the number of services, what do you make of that? what is th