. -- creole mustard. that is what forms the basis. you can even see those little mustard seeds in their of the traditional new orleans sauce. here in new orleans we will find dishes that perhaps came in a very careful from france but got tweaked just a little bit when it got here. the sauce is a perfect example of that. and yet conversely we also here in new orleans operate what are almost food museums and in some of the older restaurants you will see the magical french fry, pump soufflÉ. it was invented in france in the 1800s. it's like a french fry but it's cooked twice. so it helps us making this delicious very crispy bite of hot potato is like nothing else. much to my surprise i discovered back in the 80s that french people had forgotten the soufflÉ. it was not on menus. here in new orleans it continued along exactly as it always did. because we are really real sticklers for tradition here. there are specific foods that center around some of our traditions. let's not carnival time in new orleans unless there is king cakes everywher