Jan 31, 2015
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dijo porqué tu mamá no compra crest. y que todos sus amigos usan crest.er algo. [ locutora ] más y más hispanos están probando crest. descubre su protección contra caries, mal aliento y sarro. pruébala porque crest funciona. todo cuenta. lavase los manos y las superficies. separe las carnes crudas de las frutas y vegetales. cocine hasta la temperatura adecuada. refrigere a 40 grados. proteja a su familia. ♪ ♪ ♪ buenas y malas noticias en los deportes, estoy contento con lo de james y falcao. pero preocupado con lo de vela que saliÓ lesionado y no sabe la repercusiÓn. >> lo mÁs positivo es un mes de lesiÓn fuera de la real sociedad. algunos expertos estÁn dÁndolo hasta 4 meses fuera. lo que pondrÍa tambiÉn en riesgo la copa amÉrica. o la copa de oro. pero estÁ la informaciÓn deportiva. se la presentamos rÁpidamente. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> arrancamos en espaÑa, en donde el real madrid solventÓ sin problemas el primero de dos partidos sin ronaldo, suspendido y remontÓ, terminÓ goleando tambiÉn 4 por una una realidad sociedad que picÓ en el marcador en el primer minuto de
dijo porqué tu mamá no compra crest. y que todos sus amigos usan crest.er algo. [ locutora ] más y más hispanos están probando crest. descubre su protección contra caries, mal aliento y sarro. pruébala porque crest funciona. todo cuenta. lavase los manos y las superficies. separe las carnes crudas de las frutas y vegetales. cocine hasta la temperatura adecuada. refrigere a 40 grados. proteja a su familia. ♪ ♪ ♪ buenas y malas noticias en los deportes, estoy contento con lo de james...
Jan 10, 2015
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dijo porqué tu mamá no compra crest. y que todos sus amigos usan crest.nciador: más de un millón de estadounidenses en riesgo de ejecución hipotecaria han sido ayudados por making home affordable. averigua cuáles son tus opciones. ♪ mi hogar es mi lugar ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> esta tarde estÁ aquÍ con nosotros jorge galgo para la acciÓn deportiva. >> finalmente ganÓ el real madrid, en este 2015. un gol de dos santos pero maÑana la expectativa es quÉ pasa condiciÓn de que en el barcelona si se va o no se va, si lo va a dejar messi quedarse uno. >> tenemos entrevista exclusiva con josÉ bartomeo, sÓlo son rumores. >> cuando el rÍo suena es que agua lleva. >> por lo menos se lo han dejado a la expectativa y por otro lado el real madrid termina ganando en un partido donde anota james rodrÍguez y tambiÉn un golazo. vamos a verlo. >> el real madrid reforzÓ su liderato al ganar 3 0. james rodrÍguez abriÓ la cuenta con este golazo, gran combinaciÓn, primero el pase de cristiano ronaldo, el gol es de james. al minuto 28 aparecÍa nuevamente para anotar el gol de tiro libre, para
dijo porqué tu mamá no compra crest. y que todos sus amigos usan crest.nciador: más de un millón de estadounidenses en riesgo de ejecución hipotecaria han sido ayudados por making home affordable. averigua cuáles son tus opciones. ♪ mi hogar es mi lugar ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> esta tarde estÁ aquÍ con nosotros jorge galgo para la acciÓn deportiva. >> finalmente ganÓ el real madrid, en este 2015. un gol de dos santos pero maÑana la expectativa es quÉ pasa condiciÓn de que...
Jan 11, 2015
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dijo porqué tu mamá no compra crest. y que todos sus amigos usan crest.nte ganÓ el real madrid en 2015. golden losantos maÑana es la expectativa que pasa con luis enrique. si se va o no se va. >> tenemos entrevista exclusiva. estaba presentando en contacto deportivo aparentemente solo son rumores. sÓlo han sido especulaciones. lo respaldan hasta cinco minutos antes de echarlo. >> cuando el rÍo suena es que agua o a la expectativa. el real madrid terminarÁn en un partido donde anota james rodrÍguez. y un golazo de bale. >> el amÉrica comenzÓ la defecontra del leÓn en las dÉcadas de gustavo matos as comenzaron con el pie en el acelerador. en siete minutos ya lo estaban ganando dos a cero con doblete. sin embargo con el pasar de 200 se metÍa en el partido y consiguiÓ de contra 24 mediante un autogol. el empate transitorio no pondrÍa maduro goce de alguna indecisiÓn. contradictoria de las Águilas por el colombiano y nuevo refuerzo carlos darwin quintero en el minuto 65. el real madrid reforzÓ su liderato volviÓ tres hacer economÍa no james rodrÍguez abriÓ la
dijo porqué tu mamá no compra crest. y que todos sus amigos usan crest.nte ganÓ el real madrid en 2015. golden losantos maÑana es la expectativa que pasa con luis enrique. si se va o no se va. >> tenemos entrevista exclusiva. estaba presentando en contacto deportivo aparentemente solo son rumores. sÓlo han sido especulaciones. lo respaldan hasta cinco minutos antes de echarlo. >> cuando el rÍo suena es que agua o a la expectativa. el real madrid terminarÁn en un partido donde...
Jan 11, 2015
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¿puedo probar los crest whitestrips? [ locutora ] crest whitestrips la manera de blanquear.teca? [narradora] para obtener ayuda en español con su problema de la hipoteca comuníquese con la fundación nacional para el asesoramiento crediticio. hay consejeros acreditados que son expertos en problemas de vivienda. llame al 1-800-682-9832 o visite no pierdas tu hogar punto o-r-g. un mensaje de servicio público de la fundación nacional para el asesoramiento crediticio. >> quÉ bueno que aÚn nos acompaÑa! centenares de mexicanos estuvieron a metros sin pantalones para usar el transporte pÚblico en ropa interior. el propÓsito crear una escena diferente. este evento se realizÓ por quinto aÑo y fue llamado por flashmob mÉxico. usted se atreverÍa? >> no! al que le salvaron los pantalones fue luis enrique. >> es cierto. luis enrique va a continuar y todo gracias a messi que estuvo intratable. la cachetada de green bale a los cowboys. el querÉtaro visitÓ a pumas en el estadio universitario y el conjunto local no supo mantener la ventaja que habÍa conseguido al minuto 17. esta anotaciones
¿puedo probar los crest whitestrips? [ locutora ] crest whitestrips la manera de blanquear.teca? [narradora] para obtener ayuda en español con su problema de la hipoteca comuníquese con la fundación nacional para el asesoramiento crediticio. hay consejeros acreditados que son expertos en problemas de vivienda. llame al 1-800-682-9832 o visite no pierdas tu hogar punto o-r-g. un mensaje de servicio público de la fundación nacional para el asesoramiento crediticio. >> quÉ bueno que...
Jan 12, 2015
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crest presenta una sonrisa blanca tiene el poder de cautivar. ♪ por eso shakira usa, crest 3d white conde productos para una sonrisa más blanca en dos días. crest 3d white. Ábrete á la vida con una sonrisa más blanca. las imagenes que le vamos a mostrar fueron captadas por el telefono >> las imÁgenes que le estamos mostrando fueron dotadas por el telÉfono de celular de la menor. aparece una niÑa menor de edad metiÉndose el arma en la boca porque se lo pide su padre. el video fue descubierto por la policÍa cuando el joven de 19 aÑos vendiÓ clandestinamente la pistola que estÁ en este video a un oficial encubierto en indiana. >> y sigue aumentando la cifra de personas afectadas por el sarampiÓn en california y otros estados. existen varios factores para este posible brote de la enfermedad. >> ya son 21 los casos de sarampiÓn. la mayorÍa de personas que se pudieron haber contagiado al visitar disneylandia y disney california entre el 15 y 21 de diciembre son nueve casos en el condado de orange. nueve mas en otras partes de california, dos en utah, y uno o deseen _mÁs en colorado. >> se con
crest presenta una sonrisa blanca tiene el poder de cautivar. ♪ por eso shakira usa, crest 3d white conde productos para una sonrisa más blanca en dos días. crest 3d white. Ábrete á la vida con una sonrisa más blanca. las imagenes que le vamos a mostrar fueron captadas por el telefono >> las imÁgenes que le estamos mostrando fueron dotadas por el telÉfono de celular de la menor. aparece una niÑa menor de edad metiÉndose el arma en la boca porque se lo pide su padre. el video...
Jan 25, 2015
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¿puedo probar los crest whitestrips? [ locutora ] crest whitestrips la manera de blanquear.e. >> asÍ es, generalmente hablamos de las maravillas de cristiano. pero hoy, patara, golpe en la cara, tarjeta roja. sacar el escudo. se le cruzaron... >> es un sintoma del mal por el que pasa el real madrid. lo que pasÓ con ronaldo. el real madr >> el real madrid ganÓ su casa. todo gracias a una de las duplas mÁs efectivas del momento. >> comenzamos con la tercera fecha de clausura del mexicano. fuerte de visitante. para conseguir un muy valioso empate uno a cero. fue el resultado, ambos equipos quedan con cuatro puntos +3 partidos. >> en la liga espaÑola el real madrid sufriÓ mucho. y dejando con muchas dudas lograron marcar los. sin embargo todos los reflectores se lo lleva cristiano ronaldo. que fue expulsado luego de esta agresiÓn a limar. el renovado garza sacÓ la aplanadora para aplastar junto con luis suarez en su alineaciÓn... el garza se mantiene un punto del madrid por el liderato... >> 10 minutos mÁs tarde un gol en la puerta de manuto, sentenciÓ el gol. >> nos vemos con Ó
¿puedo probar los crest whitestrips? [ locutora ] crest whitestrips la manera de blanquear.e. >> asÍ es, generalmente hablamos de las maravillas de cristiano. pero hoy, patara, golpe en la cara, tarjeta roja. sacar el escudo. se le cruzaron... >> es un sintoma del mal por el que pasa el real madrid. lo que pasÓ con ronaldo. el real madr >> el real madrid ganÓ su casa. todo gracias a una de las duplas mÁs efectivas del momento. >> comenzamos con la tercera fecha de...
Jan 3, 2015
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crest 3d white whitestrips. the way to whiten. ♪ >> and now john stossel. >> another year, government got bigger. as usual it grew faster than inflation and almost alls grows faster than inflation. it has to grow say the politicians. there is so much we need to do. cut spending? no we can't do that. budget is already cut to the bone. what? they spent nearly $4 trillion this year. that is not bone. that's fat. tonight we look back at some of my attempts to tell the truth and the truth is that the budget is so courtroomed with junk, reminds me of this creepy tv show. >>
crest 3d white whitestrips. the way to whiten. ♪ >> and now john stossel. >> another year, government got bigger. as usual it grew faster than inflation and almost alls grows faster than inflation. it has to grow say the politicians. there is so much we need to do. cut spending? no we can't do that. budget is already cut to the bone. what? they spent nearly $4 trillion this year. that is not bone. that's fat. tonight we look back at some of my attempts to tell the truth and the...
Jan 24, 2015
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¿puedo probar los crest whitestrips? [ locutora ] crest whitestrips la manera de blanquear.te. >> asÍ es, generalmente hablamos de las maravillas de cristiano. pero hoy, patara, golpe en la cara, tarjeta roja. sacar el escudo. se le cruzaron... >> es un sintoma del mal por el que pasa el real madrid. lo que pasÓ con ronaldo. el real madrid ganÓ fuera de casa. pero su estrella perdiÓ la cabeza. el barcelona con una muestra de goles. todo gracias a una dupla ofensiva mÁs importante del momento. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> en la liga espaÑola el real madrid sufriÓ para vencer al cÓrdoba y defender el liderato de la liga. los blancos dejando muchas dudas consiguieron los tres puntos con marcador de dos goles a uno. gracias a un penal al minuto 88. sin embargo, todos los reflectores los lleva ronaldo. quiÉn se fue expulsado del minuto 82 por roja directa. luego de una agresiÓn. >> barcelona o renovado barcelona sacÓ la aplanadora, aplastÓ 6 a 0. no contÓ con suarez. pero sÍ con los inspirados messi y neymar con dos goles cada uno. piquÉ y pedro completaron la goleada. el barsa se mantiene a un punt
¿puedo probar los crest whitestrips? [ locutora ] crest whitestrips la manera de blanquear.te. >> asÍ es, generalmente hablamos de las maravillas de cristiano. pero hoy, patara, golpe en la cara, tarjeta roja. sacar el escudo. se le cruzaron... >> es un sintoma del mal por el que pasa el real madrid. lo que pasÓ con ronaldo. el real madrid ganÓ fuera de casa. pero su estrella perdiÓ la cabeza. el barcelona con una muestra de goles. todo gracias a una dupla ofensiva mÁs...
Jan 1, 2015
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feel it deeply, sam smith's stay with me. ♪ won't you stay -- crest gave one friend crest 3d white whitestrips strips worked. yeah, the paste didn't do that. crest whitestrips work on a deeper level than paste. whitening toothpaste only removes surface stains. but white strips go below the enamel surface. to safely remove deep stains. it says they whiten 25x better than the leading whitening toothpaste. crest 3d white whitestrips, the way to whiten. use this collection together to whiten in just 1 day. >>> my new year's resolution is to never do a new year's resolution again because i never stick to it. >> my new year's resolution is to bring the heart message to everyone this year. >> my resolution this year is to use only 25 milligrams. >>> hey everybody. welcome back to fox's countdown to 2015. we're betting a lot of your new year's resolutions will be about shedding pounds. increases for diet increase 35% on new year's day. if you're trying to figure out the best way to get in shape, i toured several of new york's hottest fitness studios, everything from dancing to spinning to strengthenin
feel it deeply, sam smith's stay with me. ♪ won't you stay -- crest gave one friend crest 3d white whitestrips strips worked. yeah, the paste didn't do that. crest whitestrips work on a deeper level than paste. whitening toothpaste only removes surface stains. but white strips go below the enamel surface. to safely remove deep stains. it says they whiten 25x better than the leading whitening toothpaste. crest 3d white whitestrips, the way to whiten. use this collection together to whiten in...
Jan 3, 2015
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crest pro-health protects all these areas dentists check most.o pro, with crest pro-health i knew i was going to nail it. yep, i did! >>> welcome back, we've got an incredible story of survival. a 7-year-old girl getting released from the hospital after surviving a plane crash that killed four members of her family. will carr picks up the story with more. >> authorities are saying it is a miracle that this 7-year-old girl survived the crash and then managed to find help. a nearby resident, his name is larry wilkins, says he just finished watching the news when he heard a faint knock at the door. >> she thought her arm was broke. and her left foot was hurting pretty bad. she was bare footed by the way one sock on her feet. she walked all of that distance barefooted. >> wilkins says the 7-year-old managed to walk 3/4 of a mile from the crash site to his home through very rough terrain. she simply said she had been in a plane crash and that her parents were dead. authorities have identified the four victims in the crash last night as 48-year-old mar
crest pro-health protects all these areas dentists check most.o pro, with crest pro-health i knew i was going to nail it. yep, i did! >>> welcome back, we've got an incredible story of survival. a 7-year-old girl getting released from the hospital after surviving a plane crash that killed four members of her family. will carr picks up the story with more. >> authorities are saying it is a miracle that this 7-year-old girl survived the crash and then managed to find help. a nearby...
Jan 10, 2015
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crest pro-health protects all these areas dentists check most. go pro, with crest pro-health i knew i was going to nail it. yep, i did! tss nias bythe fr nnacemintry afved in tokorists.eyd tl pe d and weo mchmied pice a attt sefote a mwayn asze a out airist a just leat r tee tte usaa cin exh at t b yn"onightshe endof or e tcd is andht e tr res .her na is ha bun d f of mi is ts15 hges fled t 3rb in.w c as hoi ma sy.r cliad h ans we sio h > a this was stping pnt in a town a st out with ebs, t men whol pe aeinefay and t os sthte g r wish. q in yete tid ed tttk b br a t l mine wnthhers have agtst ti ratnd n fn ait so t ors m bad andfr iill ovy hi meanile rn h s fhet he. " re clr ile ate pk city phia d> j men 2 peth alo pfor wtul t a seilt fti oorta b s of fe and fom och♪ sol m ty sg frchti shoi s tha we ciin ree tjostki and ane was sar v of lg ae past four >ith 91e ner reayu france wt to he ycoy aee vule t y we ed is or h tho ea mg thcoon to wt ans fa er ustd wt aog thh>i themethi av andb as e it's intor hot the wldo tir t fh tsu mkat teft fnot kwg w
crest pro-health protects all these areas dentists check most. go pro, with crest pro-health i knew i was going to nail it. yep, i did! tss nias bythe fr nnacemintry afved in tokorists.eyd tl pe d and weo mchmied pice a attt sefote a mwayn asze a out airist a just leat r tee tte usaa cin exh at t b yn"onightshe endof or e tcd is andht e tr res .her na is ha bun d f of mi is ts15 hges fled t 3rb in.w c as hoi ma sy.r cliad h ans we sio h > a this was stping pnt in a town a st out with...
Jan 4, 2015
eye 112
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crest gave one friend crest 3d white whitestrips and the other, a whitening toothpaste.e's what they thought. i can't tell if the paste whitens. eeww... well the white strips worked. yeah, the paste didn't do that. crest whitestrips work on a deeper level than paste. whitening toothpaste only removes surface stains. but white strips go below the enamel surface. to safely remove deep stains. it says they whiten 25x better than the leading whitening toothpaste. crest 3d white whitestrips the way to whiten. use this collection together to whiten in just 1 day. thanks. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] fedex® has solutions to enable global commerce that can help your company grow steadily and quickly. great job. (mandarin) ♪ ♪ cut it out. >>see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ >>> we're back with the panel with mike huckabee leaving fox news to explore16. >>> huckabee has left fox, but most people like the guy and find him accessible. how much does that buy you? >> it gets you attention in the beginning. he will not have trouble getting earned media but ask john mccain what happens over a period of t
crest gave one friend crest 3d white whitestrips and the other, a whitening toothpaste.e's what they thought. i can't tell if the paste whitens. eeww... well the white strips worked. yeah, the paste didn't do that. crest whitestrips work on a deeper level than paste. whitening toothpaste only removes surface stains. but white strips go below the enamel surface. to safely remove deep stains. it says they whiten 25x better than the leading whitening toothpaste. crest 3d white whitestrips the way...
Jan 1, 2015
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¿puedo probar los crest whitestrips?quÉ le espera a nuestros paÍses en 2015. ♪ ♪ >> y asimismo, vamos a ver cÓmo se presenta este 2015, el aÑo de la oveja. las ovejas son tranquilas, pero no se confÍen mucho. vamos a ver quÉ le pasara a los estados unidos. aquÍ habla de optimismo y Éxito. el presidente se ve un poquito dÉbil, su popularidad va en aumento aunque va a tener muchas dificultades. aquÍ vemos una mujer. ¿serÁ hillary clinton que se decidirÁ a tomar la presidencia? tambiÉn vamos a ver a raÚl castro y a barack obama dÁndose las manos, pero van a tener muchos contratiempos, porque este congreso no va a dejar que pase nada ahÍ. tambiÉn rusia y moscÚ. va a haber muchas cosas con vladimir putin, muchas habladurÍas, pero hay que ponerle mucha atenciÓn a este hombre porque no lo veo con buena intenciÓn. seguirÁn esos deseos de atentados, pero con dios todo y sin Él nada, porque los estados unidos estÁ protegido. aquÍ tambiÉn sale un problema entre siria y su presidente, porque no va a querer soltar esa silla. tambiÉn
¿puedo probar los crest whitestrips?quÉ le espera a nuestros paÍses en 2015. ♪ ♪ >> y asimismo, vamos a ver cÓmo se presenta este 2015, el aÑo de la oveja. las ovejas son tranquilas, pero no se confÍen mucho. vamos a ver quÉ le pasara a los estados unidos. aquÍ habla de optimismo y Éxito. el presidente se ve un poquito dÉbil, su popularidad va en aumento aunque va a tener muchas dificultades. aquÍ vemos una mujer. ¿serÁ hillary clinton que se decidirÁ a tomar la...
Jan 9, 2015
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why doesn't your mom buy crest? i don't know. ¿qué dijo? dijo por qué tu mamá no compra crest.na. ¿lo bueno después de las fiestas? hola pa. hola viejo aprovechar las grandes ofertas de verizon. lo no tan bueno: tener que dar unas cuantas explicaciones. ¿y esa tablet nueva? me la dio paco... ¿y esa bocina bose? de la tía felisa! ¿y ese smartphone? del trabajo... ayyy... mira lo que me regaló chacho! obtén dos líneas con 10 gb de datos para compatir por sólo ciento diez dólares. y recibe un crédito de ciento cincuenta dólares al cambiarte a verizon. honey nut cheerios un delicioso cereal hecho con rica avena y miel natural que le encantará a tu familia. sumidos en el dolor, cari-ca- turistas colombianos recordaron a sus colegas asesinados en paris, con quienes entablaron una estrecha relacion, durante un seminario en bogota detalles..... >> con un nudo en la garganta, y las lÁgrimas atrasadas, uno de los caricaturistas destacados de colombia recordÓ uno de sus colegas que fue asesinado por los terroristas en parÍs cuando estaba sentado en su escritorio. >> que era un tipo divert
why doesn't your mom buy crest? i don't know. ¿qué dijo? dijo por qué tu mamá no compra crest.na. ¿lo bueno después de las fiestas? hola pa. hola viejo aprovechar las grandes ofertas de verizon. lo no tan bueno: tener que dar unas cuantas explicaciones. ¿y esa tablet nueva? me la dio paco... ¿y esa bocina bose? de la tía felisa! ¿y ese smartphone? del trabajo... ayyy... mira lo que me regaló chacho! obtén dos líneas con 10 gb de datos para compatir por sólo ciento diez dólares. y...
Jan 6, 2015
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crest gave one friend crest 3d white whitestrips. and the other, a whitening toothpaste. here's what they thought. i can't tell if the paste whitened. well the whitestrips worked. yeah. the paste didn't do that. crest whitestrips work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. [ high-pitched ] nailed it! [ normal voice ] you're right, that was really easy. i know, i told you so. on progressive.com you can compare our progressive direct rates with our competitors' rates, so shopping is easy. you don't sound like flo. [high-pitched] yeah, i do. [ clears throat ] who you talking to? [ normal voice ] what? what's on your hand? noth-- my wedding ring. [chuckles] >>> you know, game show contestants are expected to bring their a-game but under all those lights with all that pressure and all that money on the line sometimes all bets are off. abc's sara haines brings us the latest round of epic fails. >> it's the price is right! >> reporter: on "price is right," you either guess the right price -- >> $90
crest gave one friend crest 3d white whitestrips. and the other, a whitening toothpaste. here's what they thought. i can't tell if the paste whitened. well the whitestrips worked. yeah. the paste didn't do that. crest whitestrips work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. [ high-pitched ] nailed it! [ normal voice ] you're right, that was really easy. i know, i told you so. on progressive.com you can compare our...
Jan 6, 2015
eye 95
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crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. >>> you know, game show contestants are expected to bring their a-game but under all those lights with all that pressure and all that money on the line sometimes all bets are off. abc's sara haines brings us the latest round of epic fails. >> it's the price is right! >> reporter: on "price is right," you either guess the right price -- >> $900. >> reporter: or maybe not. >> iphone 6! >> $7,500. >> reporter: $7,500 really? and she's not alone. the next bidder pulling the classic move. >> $7,501. >> reporter: retail price, $1,969. >> reporter: they lost out on the phone and, perhaps, a little prize. australia's millionaire hot seat proving too hot for this contestant. >> which of these is not a piece of jewelry commonly worn to symbol ize symbolize a relationship -- >> i'm going to go with b. oh burger ring. >> reporter: over on the wheel of fortune million dollar spot. achilles? >> yeah, that's it. >> reporter: with the pressure and the stakes so high, anything can h
crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. >>> you know, game show contestants are expected to bring their a-game but under all those lights with all that pressure and all that money on the line sometimes all bets are off. abc's sara haines brings us the latest round of epic fails. >> it's the price is right! >> reporter: on "price is right," you either guess the right price -- >> $900. >> reporter: or maybe not. >> iphone 6! >> $7,500. >>...
Jan 2, 2015
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crest whitestrips. murder investigation in florida leads today's top stories. christian gomez was arrested after deputies say he decapitated his mother. according to investigators, gomez was angry because his mother was nagging him to put boxes away. he also told deputies he felt his mom favored his brother. >>> also out of florida, fire crews were called to this home in wesley chapel after an suv slammed through the front door and burst into flames. the driver made it out of the car alive and reportedly told a neighbor he had fallen asleep at the wheel. no one inside the home was hurt. police believe there is at least $20,000 in damages. >>> condolences continue to pour in following the death of former new york governor mario cuomo. the 82-year-old passed away last night of natural causes stemming from heart failure. cuomo was catapulted to the national stage during his famous 1984 speech criticizing then president ronald reagan over economic inequalities. his son governor andrew cuomo released a state
crest whitestrips. murder investigation in florida leads today's top stories. christian gomez was arrested after deputies say he decapitated his mother. according to investigators, gomez was angry because his mother was nagging him to put boxes away. he also told deputies he felt his mom favored his brother. >>> also out of florida, fire crews were called to this home in wesley chapel after an suv slammed through the front door and burst into flames. the driver made it out of the car...
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crest gave one friend crest 3d white whitestrips. and the other, a whitening toothpaste.ned. well the whitestrips worked. yeah. the paste didn't do that. crest whitestrips work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. mmm ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. hey! guess what day it is?? >>hump day! hummmp daaay! it's hump day! >>yeah! >>hey mike! mike mike mike mike mike! >>mike mike mike mike mike. hey! he knows! hey! guess what day it is! hey! camel! guess what day it is! >>it's not even wednesday. let it go, phil. if you're a camel, you put up with this all the time. it's what you do. (sigh) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. ok... >>> you know, game show c
crest gave one friend crest 3d white whitestrips. and the other, a whitening toothpaste.ned. well the whitestrips worked. yeah. the paste didn't do that. crest whitestrips work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. mmm ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress....
Jan 21, 2015
eye 436
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quote 10
crest gave one friend crest 3d white whitestrips. and the other, a whitening toothpaste.at they thought. i can't tell if the paste whitened. well the whitestrips worked. yeah. the paste didn't do that. crest whitestrips work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything for all your help. through all life's milestones our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. >>> time for a very special post scrambled politics. 20 minutes past the hour. over 2.6 million tweets using sotu. it wasn't just what the president said that got reactions. many were pointing out the
crest gave one friend crest 3d white whitestrips. and the other, a whitening toothpaste.at they thought. i can't tell if the paste whitened. well the whitestrips worked. yeah. the paste didn't do that. crest whitestrips work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks...
Jan 21, 2015
eye 436
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quote 7
crest presents: crest 3d white whitestrips vs. whitening trays. these trays feel a little loose.kind of hard to talk. the whitestrips really grip. look at that. crest supreme flexfit whitestrips grip to your teeth and whiten as well as a $500 professional treatment. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. >>> welcome back. other stories making news this morning. the u.s. supreme court unanimously ruled in favor for this arkansas prisoner who is fighting for the right to grow his beard more than a quarter inch long as allowed by prison rules. he's a muslim who wanted to grow it longer for religious reasons. the supreme court ruled that the prison violated his religious belief. >>> facebook is once again taking the heat for divorce. a survey of legal firm case loads found it accounts for a third of divorces involving infidelity. >>> police arrest add new york man for renting a bulldozer and knocking down his wife. now his wife whose name is on the deed, had no idea he was about to do this. he said the foundation was crumbling. on monday he tried to get a permit to demolish the house
crest presents: crest 3d white whitestrips vs. whitening trays. these trays feel a little loose.kind of hard to talk. the whitestrips really grip. look at that. crest supreme flexfit whitestrips grip to your teeth and whiten as well as a $500 professional treatment. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. >>> welcome back. other stories making news this morning. the u.s. supreme court unanimously ruled in favor for this arkansas prisoner who is fighting for the right to grow his beard...
Jan 4, 2015
eye 182
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[laughter] crest whitestrips work on a deeper level than paste.ng toothpaste only removes surface stains but whitestrips go below the enamel's surface to safely remove deep stains. i'd love to get my teeth whiter. i take so many photos over the holidays. here! i take so many photos over the holidays. [laughter] she's the best! don't miss our buy one, get one free offer this holiday season. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44... whoooo! forty-four, that's me! get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts! whooo! gimme some! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. whoo! forty-four ladies, that's me! whoo...gonna get some cold cuts today! >>> good morning america broke the "today" show winning streak in 2012 and the abc show has been on top ever since. but it's hard to miss the fact they're devoting less time to trad
[laughter] crest whitestrips work on a deeper level than paste.ng toothpaste only removes surface stains but whitestrips go below the enamel's surface to safely remove deep stains. i'd love to get my teeth whiter. i take so many photos over the holidays. here! i take so many photos over the holidays. [laughter] she's the best! don't miss our buy one, get one free offer this holiday season. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well,...
Jan 27, 2015
eye 233
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crest 3d white. Ábrete á la vida con una sonrisa más blanca.rizon. con xlte, duplicamos nuestra capacidad 4g lte en más de 400 ciudades. y ahorra ya sin conformarte con menos! obtén 2 líneas con 10 gb de datos por sólo $110... o 4 líneas por $140. y obtén un crédito de $150 en tu factura por cada smartphone que cambies. sólo en verizon. ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ >>> sigue la fiesta en colombia no para su reina paulina vega fue coronada miss universo anoche en miami en la historia del certamen colombia ma quedado muchas veces entre las finalistas pero sÓlo habÍa ganado el tÍtulo una vez hace 57 aÑos por eso estaba barran barranquillera tiene sal taed saltando a sus paÍs >>> colombia. >>> latinoamÉrica estÁ de fiesta, otra de las suyas se coronÓ como la mujer mÁs hermosa del universo. paulina vega miss colombia recibiÓ la corona de otra latina la venezolana gabriela . >>> colombia somos uno paÍs de gente perseverante que a pesar de cualquier cosa que se nos presente siempre logramos este objetivo en este ejemplo la paz >>> fue una noche de belleza y glamour d
crest 3d white. Ábrete á la vida con una sonrisa más blanca.rizon. con xlte, duplicamos nuestra capacidad 4g lte en más de 400 ciudades. y ahorra ya sin conformarte con menos! obtén 2 líneas con 10 gb de datos por sólo $110... o 4 líneas por $140. y obtén un crédito de $150 en tu factura por cada smartphone que cambies. sólo en verizon. ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ >>> sigue la fiesta en colombia no para su reina paulina vega fue coronada miss universo anoche en miami en la historia...
Jan 1, 2015
eye 549
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crest 3d white.l chi cuna alguno ya >>> es un problema que se padece en varios regalonesingegiones del paÍs >>> las consultas mÉdicas se llenan con paciente con esta enfermedad >>> y algunos enfermos prefieren auto medicarse >>> es peligroso y ademÁs tengan cuidado con lo que algunos llaman los combos o los bombas >>> su gobierno ha sido cuestionando de acuerdo con sus criticos la respuesta fue tardÍa >>> se ha hecho un trabajo y no ha llegado a toda la comunidad, hay mucha desinformaciÓn, tenemos quejas en las regionales donde las salas de urgencia aÑo dan no dan abasto incluso hay escasez del medicamento >>> pero el ministro de salud no estÁ de acuerdo, >>> primero nosotros hemos trabajado con los prestadores de servicio de salud hay una guÍa de manejo, hemos tenido dletele conferencias, segundo lo que hemos trabajado en estrategias pedagÓgica >>> los mosquito estÁn en las regiones de clima cÁlido donde los insectos aprovechan la acumulaciÓn de agua para reproducirse, de detener la epidemia es una
crest 3d white.l chi cuna alguno ya >>> es un problema que se padece en varios regalonesingegiones del paÍs >>> las consultas mÉdicas se llenan con paciente con esta enfermedad >>> y algunos enfermos prefieren auto medicarse >>> es peligroso y ademÁs tengan cuidado con lo que algunos llaman los combos o los bombas >>> su gobierno ha sido cuestionando de acuerdo con sus criticos la respuesta fue tardÍa >>> se ha hecho un trabajo y no ha...
Jan 12, 2015
eye 62
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crest presents: crest 3d white whitestrips vs. whitening trays. these trays feel a little loose. it's kind of hard to talk. the whitestrips really grip. look at that. crest supreme flexfit whitestrips grip to your teeth and whiten as well as a $500 professional treatment. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. >>> pictures of the millions strong rally in paris. we have learned said and cherif kouachi spent time in yemen. a journalist met said kouachi in the capital of yemen in january of 2010 while working on an article about the underwear bomber. earlier this morning i spoke to him via skype from yemen and he talked about finding said kouachi during his investigation of life for the underwear bomber in yemen. >> while we were walking on the street trying to get to the residents where he used to live, we found a guy, a foreigner guy playing football with some kids on the street. and we approached him trying to talk to him, because we knew that he was a student. and we expected that he might know something about. i make sure after i looked at the pictures and found out that the pic
crest presents: crest 3d white whitestrips vs. whitening trays. these trays feel a little loose. it's kind of hard to talk. the whitestrips really grip. look at that. crest supreme flexfit whitestrips grip to your teeth and whiten as well as a $500 professional treatment. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. >>> pictures of the millions strong rally in paris. we have learned said and cherif kouachi spent time in yemen. a journalist met said kouachi in the capital of yemen in january...
Jan 19, 2015
eye 407
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crest presents: crest 3d white whitestrips vs. whitening trays. these trays feel a little loose. crest supreme flexfit whitestrips grip to your teeth and whiten as well as a $500 professional treatment. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. don't pick the flowers don't walk on the grass no running no jumping sit still the rules can wait right now just play freely in pampers cruisers they adapt at the waist, legs and bottom with up to 12 hours of protection for our best protection and fit and all the freedom to play just act your age. wishing you love sleep & play pampers sweet mother of softness... charmin!!! take a closer look at charmin ultra soft and you'll love what you see. not only can you use less, but you can actually see the softness in our comfort cushions. we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft? vo: you get used to pet odors in your car. you think it smells fine but your passengers smell this... el iminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip. female passenger: wow. smells good in here. vo: so you and your pas
crest presents: crest 3d white whitestrips vs. whitening trays. these trays feel a little loose. crest supreme flexfit whitestrips grip to your teeth and whiten as well as a $500 professional treatment. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. don't pick the flowers don't walk on the grass no running no jumping sit still the rules can wait right now just play freely in pampers cruisers they adapt at the waist, legs and bottom with up to 12 hours of protection for our best protection and fit and...
Jan 7, 2015
eye 111
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crest presents: crest 3d white whitestrips vs. whitening trays. these trays feel a little loose.hitestrips really grip. look at that. crest supreme flexfit whitestrips grip to your teeth and whiten as well as a $500 professional treatment. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. --i don't know my credit score. that's really important. i mean - i don't know my credit score. don't you want to buy a house...like, ever? you should probably check out credit karma, it's free. credit? karma? free? credit karma. really free credit scores. i was not expecting to get a ford. we went around the country talking to people who made the switch to ford. it felt nicer than my bmw. good gas mileage... ecoboost makes a four cylinder engine feel like a six cylinder. my dad went and turned in his lexus and got the exact same car as me. he had to have it... i'm very happy with my escape. i don't know if i'll ever not buy a ford. make the switch to america's favorite brand. check out special offers on ford escape at ford.com or see your local ford dealer. ♪ alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hour
crest presents: crest 3d white whitestrips vs. whitening trays. these trays feel a little loose.hitestrips really grip. look at that. crest supreme flexfit whitestrips grip to your teeth and whiten as well as a $500 professional treatment. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. --i don't know my credit score. that's really important. i mean - i don't know my credit score. don't you want to buy a house...like, ever? you should probably check out credit karma, it's free. credit? karma? free?...
Jan 5, 2015
eye 82
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: crest 3d white whitestrips vs.ng trays. these trays feel a little loose. it's kind of hard to talk. the whitestrips really grip. look at that. crest supreme flexfit whitestrips grip to your teeth and whiten as well as a $500 professional treatment. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. we needed 30 new hires for our call center. i'm spending too much time hiring and not enough time in my kitchen. need to hire fast? go to ziprecruiter.com and post your job to over 30 of the web's leading job boards with a single click; then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. you put up one post and the next day you have all these candidates. makes my job a lot easier. over 100,000 businesses have already used zip recruiter and now you can use zip recruiter for free at a special site for tv viewers; go to ziprecruiter.com/offer99. [coughing] dave, i'm sorry to interrupt... i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don't take sick days, dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling sneezing, coughing aching, fev
: crest 3d white whitestrips vs.ng trays. these trays feel a little loose. it's kind of hard to talk. the whitestrips really grip. look at that. crest supreme flexfit whitestrips grip to your teeth and whiten as well as a $500 professional treatment. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. we needed 30 new hires for our call center. i'm spending too much time hiring and not enough time in my kitchen. need to hire fast? go to ziprecruiter.com and post your job to over 30 of the web's leading job...
Jan 25, 2015
eye 111
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crest gave one friend crest 3d white whitestrips and the other, a whitening toothpaste.e's what they thought. i can't tell if the paste whitens. eeww... well the white strips worked. yeah, the paste didn't do that. crest whitestrips work on a deeper level than paste. whitening toothpaste only removes surface stains. but white strips go below the enamel surface. to safely remove deep stains. it says they whiten 25x better than the leading whitening toothpaste. crest 3d white whitestrips the way to whiten. use this collection together to whiten in just 1 day. i would light up every room i walk in to olay presents the regenerist luminous collection. renew surface cells to even skin tones in just 2 weeks see pearlescent luminous skin regenerist luminous olay your best beautiful meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions
crest gave one friend crest 3d white whitestrips and the other, a whitening toothpaste.e's what they thought. i can't tell if the paste whitens. eeww... well the white strips worked. yeah, the paste didn't do that. crest whitestrips work on a deeper level than paste. whitening toothpaste only removes surface stains. but white strips go below the enamel surface. to safely remove deep stains. it says they whiten 25x better than the leading whitening toothpaste. crest 3d white whitestrips the way...
Jan 3, 2015
eye 549
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crest 3d white whitestrips.tionwide is on your side ♪ ♪ mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm ♪ with the help of comfort keepers, i'm keeping my mom healthy! i'm keeping dad on schedule. i'm keeping my mom happy! comfort keepers in-home professional caregivers can provide meal planning and preparation, health and wellness services and personal care services through custom care plans that can change as needs change, so your aging loved ones can stay happy and healthy in their own home. ♪ >>> rise of isis there were a number of big big news stories in 2014. what happened when the media spotlight went in a dinner direction? here now to update us is "u.s.a. today's" washington bureau chief susan page. good morning susan. thanks for being here. >> good morning great to be with you. >> let's go through a bunch of these stories. flight 370 malaysian airplane that went down. what happened with that story? >> i wish we knew. that is truly one of the big mysteries. mysteries. not just of the year, of the decade. maybe more. who wo
crest 3d white whitestrips.tionwide is on your side ♪ ♪ mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm ♪ with the help of comfort keepers, i'm keeping my mom healthy! i'm keeping dad on schedule. i'm keeping my mom happy! comfort keepers in-home professional caregivers can provide meal planning and preparation, health and wellness services and personal care services through custom care plans that can change as needs change, so your aging loved ones can stay happy and healthy in their own home. ♪...
Jan 2, 2015
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haste pro con crest pro health.retiro tambiÉn se extiende a canadÁ y mÉxico. y cuando se habla de mÉxico, su cultura y de vida, a la mente de muchos llega la palabra tequila. en honor a este licor, se inaugurÓ en jalisco un museo. es el nuevo santuario de la bebida, aquella con la que se logra concretar negocios, hacer amigos y hasta enamorarse. >> es el nuevo santuario de la bebida preferida de los dioses, aquella con la que se logra concretar negocios, hacer amigos y hasta enamorarse. hablamos del tequila, donde en este lugar se le rinde un gran tributo. se trata del mÁs reciente museo del tequila. no es el Único en mÉxico, pero si el primero en guadalajara, jalisco, el estado que vio nacer la bebida. >> para que la gente puede identificarse con el proceso, lo conozco. y si no tiene la oportunidad de visitar una fÁbrica, que lo pueda hacer desde este museo. >> aquÍ se albergan desde los orÍgenes de la bebida, su elaboraciÓn hasta el proceso final, la cosecha del agave. tambiÉn se exhibe la colecciÓn "mÉxico para e
haste pro con crest pro health.retiro tambiÉn se extiende a canadÁ y mÉxico. y cuando se habla de mÉxico, su cultura y de vida, a la mente de muchos llega la palabra tequila. en honor a este licor, se inaugurÓ en jalisco un museo. es el nuevo santuario de la bebida, aquella con la que se logra concretar negocios, hacer amigos y hasta enamorarse. >> es el nuevo santuario de la bebida preferida de los dioses, aquella con la que se logra concretar negocios, hacer amigos y hasta...
Jan 5, 2015
eye 161
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crest 3d white. you give... and you give... and then you give some more. but sometimes you get. so you take. tylenol® cold is strong enough for you while children's tylenol® is gentle enough for them. we give you relief from your cold and flu. you give them everything you've got. tylenol®. >>> this morning on "today," the latest from the scene of the deadly plane crash in kentucky that killed four members of the same family and how the 7-year-old girl managed to survive. >>> well now on to sports sunday's nfl playoff games ended with some strong emotions after the lions fell to the cowboys. defensive tackle ndamukong suh became emotional during his post game presser. >> honestly i didn't expect this is what it comes down to. [ inaudible ] >> but it was all smiles in the locker room after the win. sergio brown channeling former wrestling sensation rick flair in a post game speech. >> diamond green. i'm having a hard time holding them down. >> a city in ohio named oregon wants to change its name for a day. the reason on january 12th, the owe owe ohio buckeyes are taking on the duc
crest 3d white. you give... and you give... and then you give some more. but sometimes you get. so you take. tylenol® cold is strong enough for you while children's tylenol® is gentle enough for them. we give you relief from your cold and flu. you give them everything you've got. tylenol®. >>> this morning on "today," the latest from the scene of the deadly plane crash in kentucky that killed four members of the same family and how the 7-year-old girl managed to survive....
Jan 5, 2015
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haste pro con crest pro health.l almuerzo el colegio, la pintas, la puedes decorar como sea. lo bonito es estar con los niÑos. >> y que cree en esa conciencia rica de lo que es la tradiciÓn de la llegada de los reyes. >> porque es un dÍa importante hoy y maÑana. >> y esto tan bonito, explÍcame quÉ es? >> esto lo hice con huevos. todos tenemos juegos en casa. usamos papel higiÉnico. lo lo puedes pintar. esto lo usamos como una base para agregar que el pobre reno no se caiga. lo vestimos. si no tienes ojitos, los puedes pintar con un marcador. >> pero esto es bellÍsimo y me encanta porque tienen la representaciÓn del nacimiento, la llegada de los tres reyes magos y el oro, incienso y mirra que le hicieron de obsequio los reyes magos al niÑo dios. >> y queda te recuerdo que es lo mÁs bonito. >> yo quiero llegar a mi casa definitivamente a hacer esta tradiciÓn con mi niÑa. y yo creo que es el primer dÍa de reyes que voy a pasar con mi bebÉ y tiene un poco mÁs de conciencia, puede sentarse a pintar y dibujar. todavÍa no
haste pro con crest pro health.l almuerzo el colegio, la pintas, la puedes decorar como sea. lo bonito es estar con los niÑos. >> y que cree en esa conciencia rica de lo que es la tradiciÓn de la llegada de los reyes. >> porque es un dÍa importante hoy y maÑana. >> y esto tan bonito, explÍcame quÉ es? >> esto lo hice con huevos. todos tenemos juegos en casa. usamos papel higiÉnico. lo lo puedes pintar. esto lo usamos como una base para agregar que el pobre reno no...
Jan 23, 2015
eye 96
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crest presents: crest 3d white whitestrips vs. whitening trays. these trays feel a little loose.ard to talk. the whitestrips really grip. look at that. crest supreme flexfit whitestrips grip to your teeth and whiten as well as a $500 professional treatment. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. ugh... ...heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm... amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. >>> in his first week on the air, larry addressed bill cosby. cosby continues to deny the allegations. >> i was really taken by that sheer number of women that came out and all of the skepticism, even after the numbers. why do you think we can't believe women? >> rape is the only crime, yes we have a system of innocent until proven guilty. community members, district attorneys, they go out of their way to discredit victims. >> more than two dozen women have gone public with accusations against cosby, all of which he and his attorneys have strongly and
crest presents: crest 3d white whitestrips vs. whitening trays. these trays feel a little loose.ard to talk. the whitestrips really grip. look at that. crest supreme flexfit whitestrips grip to your teeth and whiten as well as a $500 professional treatment. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. ugh... ...heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm... amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Jan 28, 2015
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recommend did proposed activity to reflect the commemorate date and recommend you overwhelmed the crest contract not to exceed by one million dollars plus from $86 million to $84 million plus reduce the champion manner contract needing from $31 million plus to $28 million plus and the combined crest wood contract manner of contract not to exceed should be reduced by $4 million plus from $100 million plus to $107 million plus and recommend you approve the proposed resolution as amended. >> thank you very much mr. rose any questions seeing none we'll on up to public comment censured
recommend did proposed activity to reflect the commemorate date and recommend you overwhelmed the crest contract not to exceed by one million dollars plus from $86 million to $84 million plus reduce the champion manner contract needing from $31 million plus to $28 million plus and the combined crest wood contract manner of contract not to exceed should be reduced by $4 million plus from $100 million plus to $107 million plus and recommend you approve the proposed resolution as amended. >>...
Jan 20, 2015
eye 127
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crest whitestrips.he way to whiten. [ male announcer ] are you so stuffed up, you feel like you're underwater? try zyrtec-d® to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms... so you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec-d®. find it at the pharmacy counter. >>> since the midterm elections when republicans took control of congress, president obama's approval numbers are way up. yes, as of today his approval rating is at 50% according to a new washington post. that is the highest approval rating for this president since the spring of 2013. since december, his approval ratings have gone up 19 points among young people, millennials, 22 points among hispanics, since december, his approval rating with democrats is up an additional ten points, up 11 points among conservatives. must be nice. and surely part of it is that the economy is doing well and people feel better in general. but there is also some mysterious green chutes of a specific kind that we are not used to seeing. maybe i
crest whitestrips.he way to whiten. [ male announcer ] are you so stuffed up, you feel like you're underwater? try zyrtec-d® to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms... so you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec-d®. find it at the pharmacy counter. >>> since the midterm elections when republicans took control of congress, president obama's approval numbers are way up. yes, as of today his approval rating is at 50% according to a new washington...
Jan 8, 2015
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dijo por qué tu mamá no compra crest. más y más hispanos están probando crest. viejo aprovechar las grandes ofertas de verizon. lo no tan bueno: tener que dar unas cuantas explicaciones. ¿y esa tablet nueva? me la dio paco... ¿y esa bocina bose? de la tía felisa! ¿y ese smartphone? del trabajo... ayyy... mira lo que me regaló chacho! obtén dos líneas con 10 gb de datos para compatir por sólo ciento diez dólares. y recibe un crédito de ciento cincuenta dólares al cambiarte a verizon. .................. ................. bogota detalles..... >> con un nudo en la garganta, y las lÁgrimas atrasadas, uno de los caricaturistas destacados de colombia recordÓ uno de sus colegas que fue asesinado por los terroristas en parÍs cuando estaba sentado en su escritorio. >> que era un tipo divertido, cariÑoso y efusivo. >> dice que no se repone del horror de saber que no volverÉ a hablar con Él. >> se me hacÍa muy difÍcil contener el llanto sobre todo cuando hablaba con algunas personas le explicaba a mi hija, lo que estaba pasando. y le contaba que eran conocidos. >> en otra d
dijo por qué tu mamá no compra crest. más y más hispanos están probando crest. viejo aprovechar las grandes ofertas de verizon. lo no tan bueno: tener que dar unas cuantas explicaciones. ¿y esa tablet nueva? me la dio paco... ¿y esa bocina bose? de la tía felisa! ¿y ese smartphone? del trabajo... ayyy... mira lo que me regaló chacho! obtén dos líneas con 10 gb de datos para compatir por sólo ciento diez dólares. y recibe un crédito de ciento cincuenta dólares al cambiarte a...
Jan 16, 2015
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crest whitestrips. oscar nominations came out today and two of the big contenders are off beat comedies. "the grand budapest hotel" along with "birdman." some seemed to get snubbed. jake gyllenhaal was overlooked for his performance. also, the lego movie. also most prominently missing was "selma." this film about one of america's most fraught dramatic periods did not get a best director nomination. nor did they get a best actor nod for the portrayal of martin luther king jr. just one year after 12 years a slave got best picture, best supporting actress, this year's awards will be the whitest oscars since 1998. that's because all 20 acting nominees this year are white. also this year's oscar's five directors and 14 screen writers are all men. there was high expectations for "selma." many thought it was a lock for best actor. despite the recent controversy concerning some of the historical accuracy. it is not unreasonable to suggest that it may have played a role could there be another reason for the snub
crest whitestrips. oscar nominations came out today and two of the big contenders are off beat comedies. "the grand budapest hotel" along with "birdman." some seemed to get snubbed. jake gyllenhaal was overlooked for his performance. also, the lego movie. also most prominently missing was "selma." this film about one of america's most fraught dramatic periods did not get a best director nomination. nor did they get a best actor nod for the portrayal of martin...
Jan 3, 2015
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so i'm going pro. [ male announcer ] new crest tartar protection rinse.he only rinse that helps prevent tartar build-up and cavities. a little swishing. less scraping. yes! [ male announcer ] new crest pro-health tartar protection rinse. it helps you escape the scrape. and the winner of this year's superstar... (coughs) coughing can really be disruptive. with a record breaking fifty million votes, your superstar is... that's why there's delsym. delsym helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours with an advanced time release formula for all day or all night relief. up to twice as long as other cough liquids. so the only sounds you'll hear are the ones you want to hear. bianca! (cheering) delsym. silence is relief. and now for a limited time try delsym for free, with mail in rebate. >>> back now with the story of a group of friends paying a high price for an ordinary gone fatally wrong. now, they're behind bars with their loved ones trying to get them out. was it worth it? >> absolutely not. >> reporter: they knew they'd made a costly mistake, but no one could
so i'm going pro. [ male announcer ] new crest tartar protection rinse.he only rinse that helps prevent tartar build-up and cavities. a little swishing. less scraping. yes! [ male announcer ] new crest pro-health tartar protection rinse. it helps you escape the scrape. and the winner of this year's superstar... (coughs) coughing can really be disruptive. with a record breaking fifty million votes, your superstar is... that's why there's delsym. delsym helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours...
Jan 5, 2015
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crest pro-health protects all these areas dentists check most.knew i was going to nail it. yep, i did! we come by almost every day to deliver your mail so if you have any packages you want to return you should just give them to us i mean, we're going to be there anyway why don't you just leave it for us to pick up? or you could always get in your car and take it back yourself yeah, us picking it up is probably your easiest option it's kind of a no brainer ok, well, good talk >>> i'm julie baderas in for harris faulkner. today in brooklyn, the skies were gray and the streets were blue with thousands of police officers gathered for the funeral of nypd officer winjian lu. he was one of the two officers killed in an ambush attack last month. and thousands filling the streets in pakistan to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of the islamic profit mohammad. >>> the supreme court gearing up for a new year with several blockbuster cases in its sites, including once a again a challenge to obama care as well. as cases involving free speech. >> it's a p
crest pro-health protects all these areas dentists check most.knew i was going to nail it. yep, i did! we come by almost every day to deliver your mail so if you have any packages you want to return you should just give them to us i mean, we're going to be there anyway why don't you just leave it for us to pick up? or you could always get in your car and take it back yourself yeah, us picking it up is probably your easiest option it's kind of a no brainer ok, well, good talk >>> i'm...
Jan 1, 2015
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crest 3d white. life opens up with a whiter smile.ce-all-you want bladder leak protection. new always discreet underwear for sensitive bladders from always, the experts in feminine protection. only always discreet underwear has soft dual leakguard barriers to help stop leaks where they happen most. plus, always discreet has a discreet fit that hugs your curves. you barely feel it. new always discreet underwear. now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. because, hey, pee happens. há >>> live from america's news headquarters i'm jackie ibanez. we are 3 and a half hours away from ringing in the new year on the east coast. check out othe live images. check them out. revelers from around the world have been gathering here since early this morning. iment is ited 1 million people will pack the place when the famous crystal ball drops at midnight. security will be type because of posts that have been there on social media threatening the nypd. this follows the execution of two new york city officers earlier this month. on the other side of
crest 3d white. life opens up with a whiter smile.ce-all-you want bladder leak protection. new always discreet underwear for sensitive bladders from always, the experts in feminine protection. only always discreet underwear has soft dual leakguard barriers to help stop leaks where they happen most. plus, always discreet has a discreet fit that hugs your curves. you barely feel it. new always discreet underwear. now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. because, hey, pee happens. há...
Jan 23, 2015
eye 126
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crest gave one friend crest 3d white whitestrips. and the other, a whitening toothpaste.ht. i can't tell if the paste whitened. well the whitestrips worked. yeah. the paste didn't do that. crest whitestrips work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tel
crest gave one friend crest 3d white whitestrips. and the other, a whitening toothpaste.ht. i can't tell if the paste whitened. well the whitestrips worked. yeah. the paste didn't do that. crest whitestrips work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to...
Jan 3, 2015
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crest 3d white.pens up with a whiter smile. >>> guests can leave with more than a good night's sleep teaming up with an animal shelter, letting dogsguest adopt a dog that greets them. for more let's bring in christine kavanaugh. kim smith is with her, president of charlie's angels animal rescue and special guest of course is dallas. hello to all of you. good to have you. >> hi, thanks for having us. >> hello. >> christine, i want to start with you. tell me how this works. i check into your hotel, is there one doggy running around who greets the guests? who how does this work? >> our motto is one dog at a time. they are usually stationed behind the front desk. we have a play area for them directly where the guests can literally see them when they come up the steps to check in. many times you'll find the dog sitting on the registration counter popping its head up to say hello when folks check into their rooms. >> you come there check into your room, the dog is there you fall in love with the doggy and
crest 3d white.pens up with a whiter smile. >>> guests can leave with more than a good night's sleep teaming up with an animal shelter, letting dogsguest adopt a dog that greets them. for more let's bring in christine kavanaugh. kim smith is with her, president of charlie's angels animal rescue and special guest of course is dallas. hello to all of you. good to have you. >> hi, thanks for having us. >> hello. >> christine, i want to start with you. tell me how this...
Jan 10, 2015
eye 157
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crest gave one friend crest 3d white whitestrips. and the other, a whitening toothpaste.n't tell if the paste whitened. well the whitestrips worked. yeah. the paste didn't do that. crest whitestrips work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. >>> time for the question of the day. i've seen the american sniper, if you haven't seen it yet, you need to. >> would you be surprised p you told you they credited with you with over 160 kills? do you ever think you might have seen things or done smings that you wish you hadn't? >> that is not me. no. >> that is not you? >> i was just protecting my guys they're trying to steal our soldiers and i'm willing to meet my creator and ask for every shot that i took. >> monday i'll have an interview with chris's father. you can tell us what you think. don't we need more great heros like this? amazing story just go to facebook.com. that is all the time we have left. let not your heart be troubled because the weekend is starting in 10, 9, 8, right about now. and
crest gave one friend crest 3d white whitestrips. and the other, a whitening toothpaste.n't tell if the paste whitened. well the whitestrips worked. yeah. the paste didn't do that. crest whitestrips work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. >>> time for the question of the day. i've seen the american sniper, if you haven't seen it yet, you need to. >> would you be surprised p you told you they...