when deated rivals but a crhing 2 1/2-second margin, international sports officials were alrea questiong whether this young wan is actually a man. the young athlete had no cment on the ntroversy. only on being a world champi. >> i don't knowhat to sa man. i'm pretty good to read it. feel good to bring ithome. >> but at a news conference the ex-wife of former preside else son mandela, pulled no punches. lashing out at aegations that e athletes he -- and sudden iproved peormances. signs she's a he,giving her an unfair advantage. >> to thse who conducted those tes to test ourgender, they can stuff their -- nobody's going to pay for ma tsts on end. >> semenya's not accused of cheating. what the track and fie gorning body wants tonow is ether her phyology makes her elible to run again women and men. figuring out thenswer to the ma or woman question will involve a gynecologist, an endochronologist, psychologist and internal medice specialist andgender expt. >>> inouth africa,semenya's supportersay the conoversy stemfrom jeals and racial discrimination. test results en't epected for severa week