makes a good muroom, like-- >> well, you know, one of the growing trends is going to, like, a crimini shroo. it's a little bit nuttier, a little more woody flavor, a little more robust flavor compared to the traditional white mushroom. >> ok. >> so if you're really wanting to do a stir-fry, or sautee some mushrooms and get some reay robust flavor, try some of the criminis out. they're great. >> and so i get this home-- my big questio washing it. ok? do we put it under the tap, do a little damp cloth? what do we do? what do we do? >> well, you know, you definitely don't want to wash them beore you're ready to use them. so always wait until you're about to use them. so don't think you have to wash them before you store them in the fridge. that's a bad thing. >> ok. i would do that. >> but you do. you always want to either brush th with a soft brush or rinse them lightly before using. just to get all the debris that may be othere. >> that is gonna do it for the show today. if you have any questions about the recipes or the stories you've seen on the show today, check out our website at