something that's clearly on the rise and when a phone is turned off corey locke kicks in and the phone in cripps it can be almost impossible to. >> let me stop you because you are making an argument in three related questions, okay? why can't you just put the phone or in airplane mode. >> can answer that one first? first of all is not always possible to find airplane mode on 500 or 600 models of phones that are out there. the officer is a lot of things to do when he arrest suspects. say he arrested five suspects in a car and they each have three cell phones. trying to find and put each one of them an airplane load and go a further step. >> you are confusing me because you've been out the search on the scene if you have had enough time at the precinct to put it on airplane mode -- i'm a little confused about what this argument is. how do you do it at the scene or two at the station so you have enough time to get the warrant by putting it on airplane mode. >> you don't necessarily have time to do it on the scene. i believe that's true. .. the attorneys present particular problems. >> does that pre