cristina bosoanca's story shows the devastating effect that this doormat failure to disclose evidencegh months in prison, she can finally relax with the son she bore there. because they we re the son she bore there. because they were bullying me, was difficult when i saw them going to the visits. the prosecution case was based on the evidence of a female complainant who claimed cristina traffic her into the country to work as a prostitute. the complainant also alleged she was raped by a client and became pregnant as a result. while in prison, cristina ‘s lawyers repeatedly told the police that they we re repeatedly told the police that they were phone messages that undermined the wall and's story. at the beginning, i asked for my phone, i asked for the pictures. i asked for everything. —— woman's story. but they was, like, we don't care. everything. —— woman's story. but they was, like, we don't carem was only on the second day of the trial that 65,000 phone messages we re trial that 65,000 phone messages were disclosed to cristina ‘steam. they fundamentally undermined the complainant