. >> i'm cached crndy crowley in washington. if you missed any part of today's show, find us on i-tunes, just search state of the union. fareed zakaria, gps is next. >> this is gps, the global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm far reez zakaria. this week at the world economic forum, i have interviewed one king, seven prime ministers and one head of government. you will see them in coming weeks, this week we have one king and one prime minister. we'll start with the king of jordan, abdullah ii. his nation sits astride a region in turmoil. despite some protests, jordan hasn't had its own arab spring. everyone was watching the parliamentary elections this week, will they satisfy protesters? or inflame them? we'll get the king's reaction. then the prime minister of russia, dmitry medvedev, relations between the united states and russia are at a new low. some call it a new cold war. who's to blame and will russia help in syria? we'll discuss it all. also the algerian hostage crisis th