crocus city hall, each of you and only on may 1 will be able to witness this incredible event. buy tickets for the final of the show on the official website of crocus city hall or on the website to see the incredible performances of our finalists and to find out who will be the winner of the project, we meet on may 1 on a mask. the third trio of participants having reached the equator of the show our cutie dragon, who used to always shout joyfully. da decided to turn into a bad guy in the last release of his song. just tore the hall, and the main star of the dragon numbers. although it was not planned, mr. chairman and his elegant choreography became. you are her favorite, after all. she says how could you betray me to the whole world that he was my favorite since it was secret, it turns out i'm a talker. released everything. we still don't understand. who knows that i have a very funny version. it's funny because we've already placed this artist and placed it so securely in another mask, but now we'll talk. please tell me, did you star in the tv series chess player? c