near moscow to croft correctional colony near moscow to croft correctional colony near moscow to the special regime facility at melikova the special regime facility at melikova the special regime facility at melikova more than 200 kilometers east of the more than 200 kilometers east of the more than 200 kilometers east of the russian capital on november 1st navalny russian capital on november 1st navalny russian capital on november 1st navalny was sent into a punishment cell for the was sent into a punishment cell for the was sent into a punishment cell for the seventh time since mid-august where he seventh time since mid-august where he seventh time since mid-august where he served a 15-day detention for felon to served a 15-day detention for felon to served a 15-day detention for felon to baton the top of his color and baton the top of his color and baton the top of his color and addressing a guard warrior rank and addressing a guard warrior rank and addressing a guard warrior rank and family name instead of the more family name instead of the more family name instead of the