cruci coming from crossword and verbal is coming from word. -- a verbalist coming from word.argaret farrah was the real start of crossword puzzles in this country. she was very helpful and gave me hints on where i went wrong and how i should proceed. and her successor started publishing my puzzles in the sunday times and when "q" magazine wanted a crossword puzzle, this gentleman suggested me. within two years, "q" was taken over by new york magazine and that was in 1980. that was my last job. now i need a dalavowel. you have to have two of every length word because a puzzle must be symmetrical. it could be great, but there is no such word beginning with "rp." that is the hardest part of starting a puzzle. i think it is harder to make up a puzzled and to solve it. -- a puzzle than to solve it. it has taught me a great deal. especially some of the words that are in crossword puzzles. if some of them are really silly, but the ones that are interesting have given me a different slant on language. i feel i have gained something there. i have learned. >> maura jacobson there on he