and alexa colby. since crystal carrington and alexis colby.n talk about. clearly, the advent of the wag is unprecedented. they have taken centre stage in a way that i guess this story has really shown for us for the first time. they are just wives and girlfriends of sports stars and football players, but they do have a currency, they have huge followings on social media, they matter to an enormous number of people. already we are seeing people divide into team vardy and team rooney. but underneath, if she has been hacked, what does it mean? how do you hack into a social media account? at what point can you say your social media account is your own? if she paid people, i don't know who she has had on her team using her social media for her, at what point do you claim responsibility for that? it lifts a veil into a world where we normally see glamour and friendship and clearly that is not always the case. people like coleen rooney and rebekah vardy will have people, you alluded to it, help them manage their social presence. the next logical step