eventually, as the boiling salt crystalsued, would start to form on the surface of the water, and they coop tose a large s skip the crystals out, and they would dump them into baskets. each kettle had a basket that was suspended over it. because the salt was still sort of moist, droopy, and wet, the allowed thataskets excess moisture to drain off back into the kettle. eventually you would get a basket that would be mounted up with salt crystals. they were still at that point somewhat damp, so the worker of saltke the basket and throw it in these bins on the side of the salt lock and line the salt block all the way down. probably for a period of another two weeks, the salt would sit in that bed, continuing to dry out. workwas particularly hot because you are talking about a three or -- 300 or 400 gallon kettle of boiling brine, and multiply that by 50 times inside this particular building. there is a victorian description of a visit to a salt boiling block. the flowery victorian language, the writer talks about how it was sort of like another world they were entering that they would com