council, it's a really interesting conference, it's a different group of districts than you see at csba, than you see at nsba. much higher participation. i found the valuable. you don't have to go every year, but to go once during your tenure would be interesting. the other is cube. that's a subset of the national school bus school board association. again, we're members of all of the boards, so you can attend their events and they're worth while. >> i mentioned it to one other board member. they also have a spring event, a conference, which is always in d.c. it's a legislative overview where we get an opportunity to lobby our representatives and also get to meet and chat with our best friend, who avoids us like the plague. i do concur with commissioner norton, that cube, the council of boards of education, which i've enjoyed in the past. i think it something we should reconnect with. i don't know if any of our board members have gone in the last three or four years. we should reconnect with them. they represent urban boards and districts, where you'll be interacting with boards of colo