it's anticipated including the csc members and you can read it in your pocket. there's a few mile stones that need to be reached before a resident can move in. there was a series of legal documents that have to be finalized. it allows to bring late or early construction. and six months before a project completion the development team will market the property in accordance to the marketing plan which is approved by the dda. resident can submit applications for a lottery that's going to take place in august of 2015 and that will follow a structure that is outlined which includes preference holders. lottery winners will move into their unit in late 2016. today schematic design is approval to get us to the first step of affordable housing unit. before i conclude i want to ask someone from the design team to hand the model and the materials samples to the commissioners so they can get a close up view of block 49 materials and myself and the development of the design team will be available for any questions. thank you. >> thank you very much. while we -- i guess -- pa