alissa rumsey, ms, rd, cdn, cscs/academy of nutrition and dietetics: "most waters tend to fall in the neutral ph an alkaline water is water that has a ph of 7 or higher." alissa rumsey explains, many believe a higher p.h. level in the water you drink is better for your body. it can do things like fight cancer or other diseases, or improve your metabolism. but she... and many others... disagree. alissa rumsey, ms, rd, cdn, cscs/academy of nutrition and dietetics: "while there's anecdotal evidence, there's really no scientific evidence that alkaline water is going to do everything that it says it does. i do think that for certain people in certain circumstances, it might be ok, and it's certainly not going to hurt most people, but you kno research, i think you should just save your money and just stick to tap water." rumsey explains most of us are typically in the right range without the alkaline addition. alissa rumsey, ms, rd, cdn, cscs/academy of nutrition and dietetics: "our bodies do a really good job of keeping our blood ph in a very tight range, no matter what you're eating or dr