received multiple letters of support from different neighbors and organizations, as well as a letter from csfn. i'm here for questions. >> we'll open it up to public comment. >> good evening. my name is michael murphy. i'm a retired judicial attorney for the court of appeal, long time resident of the richmond district. i want to call your attention to a mission in this otherwise very commendable ordinance. and that is the failure to comply with state law relating to adus and single-family homes. a bit of background, you know it, but in 2015, the planning department issued an adu manual which was a very good piece of work, but it offered limited options and often unappealing options f single-family homes. that was because it was constrained by the ordinance of that time. no fault of the planning department. in 2016, the state legislature amended -- enacted amendments to the adu law that imposed certain mandatory parameters to local ordinances. unfortunately, san francisco failed to comply. instead, ordinance 9517 announced the intention of complying to state law, but in reality made no meaningf