official, plan examiner and building inspector in numerous jurisdictions and she is currently employed by csg consultants and serves as the building official for the city of pacifica. jeff james is the chief building inspector for the county of fresno and spent the last 17 years working for public agencies as a plans examiner and building official and holds a bachelor's degree in architect and you are a master's degree in eek logical design and certified plan inspector and building official and jeff is a director with the california department of building officials so welcome to the panelists so i'm going to just throw out an open ended question and whoever would like to lean in and answer the question feel free so kind of two fold. what are some of the challenges you face to improve compliance with accessibility regulations, and how might this new checklist might improve your efforts? go ahead randy. >> sure. i am in a small jurisdiction -- first of all i want to thank the commission for inviting me. i'm humbled and i am surrounded by people who are much more knowledgeable than i am and i ho