they knew if they were not responsive to the rank and file members of the payers, member of the qfl, csn, third federation, there's a lot of hopping around. and that was an important tool to rank and file the power. which i think we lacked in many union context today. a different perspective on what's demonized as rating, when, in fact, the other person's rate is another workers liberation. >> i just want to put the thought that somebody brought up the international day. i wanted to put the plug for small foundations involved. one the things that we do at the berger marx foundation, we do provide funds to hire women organizers for a period of time. if you are interested in doing that, check out our web site at i just wanted to make that plug. but i also wanted to comment that a lot of labor war, certainly not what happened in california or what happened in puerto rico. a lot of labor wars are right here inside the beltway. i like many people in this room, i'm sure, worked in 2008 on the ground in the election campaign where everybody came together. you know, to elect