opportunity for her to do that because she died of bright's disease and her husband quickly, or want not cso quickly, and he marry edith and there she is. you might think she would have been an activist. she was a strong role and a close confidant of her husband, and he shared everything with her, war secrets and thing he shouldn't have, and she was not an activist and she didn't care about women's causes and mostly she cared about her husband and wanted to help him, and that wasn't so bad. one of the things she did do as a war measure. did you know this? i don't want to say she planted sheep, but she planted things for sheep on the white house lawn. they mowed the lawn, munch, much, mumuch munch, munch, and they produced wool. at that time people were used to going on the white house grounds and they couldn't go if the sheep were there and this was important as world war i develops and she was helpful in telling soldiers how to live, but ironically, this is at a time when women were being arrested in the streets of washington, right, for people like margaret sanger for providing birth contr