sally: it was a static -- e cstatic. the joy of looking at a negative dripping down your arms and looking at the light. magic. charlie: it is more than taking a picture. sally: you take the picture. you pray you got the second you thought you got. so many times you don't. you get the second on either side of the one you hope you got. there is nothing like that moment. it is a most sexual in its intensity. you're just ecstatic. even in negative form which is in reverse, you could tell right away. it has the right feel to it. you just know. charlie: you like black and white. sally: i do. it is harder. that is not why i like it. it makes you get right to the essence of taking the picture. you are not distracted ride the color. color is an entirely different way of thinking. charlie: you live on a farm that is full of color. green grass. blue skies. everything. sally: it is funny though. i see everything in black and white. i see things like icu -- i see you in a little a by 10 rectangle. charlie: oh god. [laughter] sally: i