you are talking about the new fee that came from the cta, i can check on that for you. chair chu: it is very little. >> yes, it is only around $2.50 million per year, $2 million. but let me double check. so if we go to the next slide, we talk about some of the revenue constraints and the bond program. et we made a commitment when we first plaque -- passed the capital plan. chair chu: if we do not commit, where does our score fall by the year -- in 10 years? >> i believe it is indy -- in the fifties. we are currently at 64. when there was the working group reports, when you get below 60, you are in a dangerous area. there is a bit of a tipping point, where future costs become dramatically more. now, you are not able to do a top coat. you have to go into all of the streets and start from the ground up, so -- chair chu: thank you. >> this shows the proposal that the capital planners are working on. originally, we thought that we would be doing say street and road repair, a bond, in 2012. this was to address the concerns. chair chu: there was a question about streets. super