. >> sarah cohen, ctfn. you mentioned in terms of the millimeter wave spectrum screens that already exist, that you wanted them, those caps removed and that you couldn't discuss it. can you explain that a little? you said it was verboten? >> i said i asked to raise the question whether we should as part of, you know, whether as an nprm we should ask the question whether it should be removed, and one of my colleagues did not appreciate it, and it didn't make it into the final cut. so that was, you know, not necessarily appropriate. we often in nprms allow questions to go even if we may disagree. i thought that was kind of necessary, in my opinion. >> will this topic come up again? >> i imagine it will come up again. >> early next year? >> well, i -- the chairman sets the schedule, so i don't know what potential topics, but i certainly have interest in raising it, and i imagine it'll come back in some form or fashion. >> commissioner o'rielly, i'm wondering if the nprm that you teed up today on lifeline move f