May 24, 2010
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los demandados son los gobiernos de cuba, venezuela y la empresa que tiene cuentas bancarias en esteas alegaciones citadas en las demandas: trabajo forzado, privaciÓn de la libertad, sufrimiento intencional, diligencia e incorporaciÓn de chantaje influenciado. >> hago esta demanda para que me indemnicen, por el maltrato, por lo mal que me he sentido durante los cuatro aÑos que estuve en venezuela. y para que se sepa tambiÉn la verdad. >> en gobierno ha ofrecido la versiÓn de los hechos. pero el secretario de prensa de cuba en washington dijo que esta demandas presentadas en tribunales norteamericanos carecen de legitimidad en cuba, porque tratan argumentos de la ultraderecha anticubana. >> hay muchos esclavos que trabajan para ellos. >> segÚn estos testimonios los mÉdicos cubanos no puede negarse a ir a venezuela y una vez ahÍ, al hacer un trabajo mediocre pueden volver a cuba. un gobierno ha respondido esta demanda. >> un accidente ha cambiado la vida de este hombre. ampliamos. >> la motocicleta se clavÓ en lugar de asaltar - saltar y se me tapÓ una arteria. >> el destino le quitÓ u
los demandados son los gobiernos de cuba, venezuela y la empresa que tiene cuentas bancarias en esteas alegaciones citadas en las demandas: trabajo forzado, privaciÓn de la libertad, sufrimiento intencional, diligencia e incorporaciÓn de chantaje influenciado. >> hago esta demanda para que me indemnicen, por el maltrato, por lo mal que me he sentido durante los cuatro aÑos que estuve en venezuela. y para que se sepa tambiÉn la verdad. >> en gobierno ha ofrecido la versiÓn de...
May 21, 2010
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>> enseguida pudiera a ver una luz de esperanza para la liberación de algunos presos políticos en cubae pidió al gobierno de la isla que quedeje disidentes presos en la reunión que tuvieron el pasado miércoles. lourdes del río nos trae las declaraciones y las reacciones que han provocado. >> el cardenal ortega la autoridad máxima en cuba se mostró complacido con la reunión que sostuvo con raúl castro en la que pidió la excarcelación de algunos presos políticos. >> el encuentro tiene el valor primero de apoyar esta gestión mediador de la iglesia pero al mismo tiempo de reconocimiento del papel de la iglesia de reconocimiento de la iglesia como inter locutora de superar los viejos a gra v... lo que consideran mereccenarios. >> pero al otro lado del estrecho de la florida a 90 millas en miami lo que ocurre en la habana despierta suspicacia y verdaderamente podría significar cambios en la isla. >> pertenece a una organización de sexiliados cubanos. >> siempre es bueno para liberar a presos políticos cuba necesita para que se termine el sistema para enviar a las personas a la cárcel sin raz
>> enseguida pudiera a ver una luz de esperanza para la liberación de algunos presos políticos en cubae pidió al gobierno de la isla que quedeje disidentes presos en la reunión que tuvieron el pasado miércoles. lourdes del río nos trae las declaraciones y las reacciones que han provocado. >> el cardenal ortega la autoridad máxima en cuba se mostró complacido con la reunión que sostuvo con raúl castro en la que pidió la excarcelación de algunos presos políticos. >>...
May 21, 2010
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la mayor crisis migratoria entre estados unidos y cuba.on la historia de los paÍses. >> y habÍa un guardacosta americano que nos dio la bienvenida a estados unidos, y nos dieron una manzana roja, yo nunca habÍa visto una manzana y le preguntÉ a mi mamÁ quÉ era ? y me dijo somos libres. >> se iniciÓ en el puerto de mariel, al oeste de cuba. >> estÁbamos viviendo como si fuera en una casa de campaÑa, esperando. >> muchos habÍan solicitado asilo en la embajada peruana, un 99% de las peticiones seÑalaba como destino la ciudad de miami. el gobierno cubano autorizÓ los salvoconductos. el total de de inmigrantes que llegÓ a las costas de la florida alcanzÓ los 125.000, de inmediato fueron conocidos como marielitos. >> habÍamos 70 personas mÁs de lo que el barco podÍa soportar. la situaciÓn era muy tensa ahÍ adentro. >> ivonne se aferraba a su tesoro mÁs valioso. >> ¿ quÉ sentÍas cuando tenÍas que dejar a tu muÑeca ? >> la muÑequita llevaba conmigo solamente seis meses, pero fue lo Único que pude sacar, se quedÓ en el barco. >> al igual que la muÑ
la mayor crisis migratoria entre estados unidos y cuba.on la historia de los paÍses. >> y habÍa un guardacosta americano que nos dio la bienvenida a estados unidos, y nos dieron una manzana roja, yo nunca habÍa visto una manzana y le preguntÉ a mi mamÁ quÉ era ? y me dijo somos libres. >> se iniciÓ en el puerto de mariel, al oeste de cuba. >> estÁbamos viviendo como si fuera en una casa de campaÑa, esperando. >> muchos habÍan solicitado asilo en la embajada...
May 21, 2010
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. >>> hace 30 año se produjo el éxodo la mayor crisis de estados unidos y cuba, miles de cubano salieron me acuerdo le pregunto a mi mamá qué es esto? mamá me miró, y dijo somos libres >>> fue el final de una odisea, que inicio como la de tantos en el puerto de noreste de cuba >>> habíamos estado esperando en una flavrl, estamos viviendo en este momento. bajo como si fuera una casa de campaña esperando a ver si nos deja salir y no deja estar atrás >>> la embajada peruana, y recibió 10803 pe secciótición, en destino deseado la ciudad de miami >>> ante tal presión, el gobierno cubano otorgo salvoconducto autorizando la salida, en una medida insólita, incluyó a enfermos mentales en barcos que partían sin césar, el total de inmigrantes que llegó a las costas de la florida, entre abril y octubre, alcanza los 125 mil, ivonne se a terra avenido rrab a su tesoro.enido rrab a su tesoro rrab a su tesorrrab a su tesora su tesoro su tesorosu t . >>> una muñeca que he dio mi mamá. incluso para mi cumpleaños, el mismo año, cumplo en enero, esto fue en junio. a principio de junio la muñeca llevaba conm
. >>> hace 30 año se produjo el éxodo la mayor crisis de estados unidos y cuba, miles de cubano salieron me acuerdo le pregunto a mi mamá qué es esto? mamá me miró, y dijo somos libres >>> fue el final de una odisea, que inicio como la de tantos en el puerto de noreste de cuba >>> habíamos estado esperando en una flavrl, estamos viviendo en este momento. bajo como si fuera una casa de campaña esperando a ver si nos deja salir y no deja estar atrás...
May 22, 2010
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los acuerdos migratorios entre cuba y estados unidos aseguran que siguen garantizando 20.000 visadoso en al punto. >> este domingo vamos a analizar la visita del presidente de mÉxico a estados unidos, fue un invitado incÓmodo? haremos un balance a su visita, se lo preguntamos a un asesor de la casa blanca. >> respetamos su su derecho de expresar la opiniÓn de mÉxico, habrÁ reforma migratoria y legalizaciÓn este aÑo? >> el director nos dicen si la internet debe ser gratis y sin censura siempre. >> una plataforma extraordinaria para el crecimiento econÓmico, para trabajos, pequeÑos negocios y educaciÓn. >> bÁrbara palacios nos habla de su nuevo libro de cuba y nos dice segÚn ella venezuela es una dictadura. >> nosotros no tenemos una democracia, tenemos una dictadura estamos todos presos alli. >> recuerdelo vealo este domingo. los fanÁticos del fÚtbol en rÍo de janeiro estÁn preparados para apoyar el equipo de brasil a la copa mundial de sudÁfrica 2010, los vendedores ofrecen todo tipo de objetos y hasta el banco central ha creado una moneda conmemorativa de la copa mundial que serÁ ve
los acuerdos migratorios entre cuba y estados unidos aseguran que siguen garantizando 20.000 visadoso en al punto. >> este domingo vamos a analizar la visita del presidente de mÉxico a estados unidos, fue un invitado incÓmodo? haremos un balance a su visita, se lo preguntamos a un asesor de la casa blanca. >> respetamos su su derecho de expresar la opiniÓn de mÉxico, habrÁ reforma migratoria y legalizaciÓn este aÑo? >> el director nos dicen si la internet debe ser...
May 23, 2010
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. >> tres mÉdicos y un enfermero cuba nos, su derecho fueron ultrajados. >> reuniÓ que nos faltaba eras una de las quejas. alegan que los programas barrio adentro el pago era una burla. atendÍan decenas de pacientes eran amenazados y acosados constantemente por uniformados de ambos gobiernos. >> no me dejaron tener relaciones con nadie, algunos previÓ la coda. >> los demÁs le molestÓ me impusieron leyes que me impedÍanrelacione con una muchacha. removieron el lugar, para tratar de que yo pudiera relacionarme con ella. >> hace 2004 colocarÁ desde las asociacioneshuyendo selvas y barrios con alta incidencia criminal. >> han sido muertos por crÍmenes comunes. >> algunas mujeres han sido violadas. >> los mÉdicos lograron escapar, y una vez aquÍ, en donde ya cuentan con un status migratorio entablaron una demanda millonaria los demandados con el gobierno de cuba desde venezuela y la compaÑÍa petrolera que tiene sucursales cuentas bancarias en este paÍs. esa es sÓlo la cifra inicial de que reclaman el abogado opina que si ganan la remuneraciÓn fÁcilmente podrÍa llegar hasta los usd 480 millo
. >> tres mÉdicos y un enfermero cuba nos, su derecho fueron ultrajados. >> reuniÓ que nos faltaba eras una de las quejas. alegan que los programas barrio adentro el pago era una burla. atendÍan decenas de pacientes eran amenazados y acosados constantemente por uniformados de ambos gobiernos. >> no me dejaron tener relaciones con nadie, algunos previÓ la coda. >> los demÁs le molestÓ me impusieron leyes que me impedÍanrelacione con una muchacha. removieron el...
May 3, 2010
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and the overall necessity of having absolute pluralism and freedom in cuba. so it's something i'm very, very engaged in. >> last week i had the daughter of fidel castro on the show and it was a fascinating discussion with her and obviously, having come through what she did. but she lives here in the united states now, a lovely human being, loves freedom, loves the liberty that she has and wishes that it were so for all of those fellow cubans who are still there and we talk about the ladies in white, that remarkably courageous group of people who are willing to to show their solidarity with folks oppressed there and i know your heart goes out to the people who don't yet enjoy the freedom that you do and that also fidel castro's does. >> yeah, absolutely. the ladies in white is a group that i've been following for quite some time. i've narrate add documentary about them and we organized a march not only in south florida that gloria and emilio he is staffen organized, but one weeks ago to bring attention to the situation and the struggles to free their loved one
and the overall necessity of having absolute pluralism and freedom in cuba. so it's something i'm very, very engaged in. >> last week i had the daughter of fidel castro on the show and it was a fascinating discussion with her and obviously, having come through what she did. but she lives here in the united states now, a lovely human being, loves freedom, loves the liberty that she has and wishes that it were so for all of those fellow cubans who are still there and we talk about the...
May 22, 2010
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it has opened the door to dialogue about the realities of cuba today. and at the heart of the discussion, human-rights. earlier this month, cardinal ortega intervened to end the harassment of female relatives. the ladies in white has been reversed. the fate of their husbands is also under discussion. the government continues to deny that they are political prisoners, calling them mercenaries paid by the united states to undermine the system. >> we're talking about prisoners. i can't offer any concrete details about dates when things might happen, but the authorities are taking the subject seriously. that i can say. >> the vatican's foreign minister is due here next month. yet another indication of the growing acceptance and a possible influence of the church in cuba. bbc news, havana. >> european union finance ministers have supported a german call for tougher sanctions. these are countries that don't stick to the budget. >> hello and welcome. >> see the news unfold. get the top stories from around the globe and click to play video reports. go to bbc.co
it has opened the door to dialogue about the realities of cuba today. and at the heart of the discussion, human-rights. earlier this month, cardinal ortega intervened to end the harassment of female relatives. the ladies in white has been reversed. the fate of their husbands is also under discussion. the government continues to deny that they are political prisoners, calling them mercenaries paid by the united states to undermine the system. >> we're talking about prisoners. i can't offer...
May 23, 2010
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bÁrbara palacios ex reina de belleza, hablar de su nuevo libro, de cuba Ídem porque para ella venezuelaca deportiva. >> el resumen de la jornada. >> un gusto saludarlos. les traigo al campeÓn de la liga de campeones de europa. el bÉisbol de las grandes ligas. la final de la conferencia del Éste en la nba y el box. este sÁbado se jugÓ la gran final de la liga de campeones de europa en madrid. el bayer frente al inter. en el 35 milito puso en ventaja a los italianos, luego otra vez, el segundo. el tÉcnico portugués y sus dirigidos levantaron su tercera copa de la temporada. el fÚtbol mexicano. el ex presidente de chivas tiene todo arreglado para el atlas. serÍa el nuevo director deportivo del equipo. houston recibiÓ a los united. este sÁbado fue inaugurado el estadio en johannesburgo donde se jugarÁn el partido de apertura y la gran final. el francÉs que juega para el real madrid tendrÁ que ver el mundial por televisiÓn. la representaciÓn francesa anunció que el mediocampista no estarÁn en la copa del mundo por problemas intestinales. davis bekham estÁ visitando a las tropas britÁnicas qu
bÁrbara palacios ex reina de belleza, hablar de su nuevo libro, de cuba Ídem porque para ella venezuelaca deportiva. >> el resumen de la jornada. >> un gusto saludarlos. les traigo al campeÓn de la liga de campeones de europa. el bÉisbol de las grandes ligas. la final de la conferencia del Éste en la nba y el box. este sÁbado se jugÓ la gran final de la liga de campeones de europa en madrid. el bayer frente al inter. en el 35 milito puso en ventaja a los italianos, luego otra...
May 23, 2010
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ademÁs porque apoya a las damas de blanco en cuba.s al punto con jorge ramos. >> hola quÉ bueno que estÁn con nosotros vamos a comenzar programa por supuesto con la visita del presidente de mÉxico felipe calderÓn a washington. fue una visita muy interesante no sÓlo por su reunión con el presidente barack obama sino por el poco usual discurso, de felipe calderÓn ante el congreso de los estados unidos. esto no pasa todos los dÍas la visita sin embargo quedÓ marcada por algo que estaba ocurriendo muy lejos de washington. de secuestro en mÉxico de diego fernÁndez cevallos, esto afectÓ el mensaje de felipe calderÓn, de que mÉxico no es un paÍs tan peligroso como lo pintan las noticias. felipe calderÓn llegó estados unidos en su primera visita de estado la casa blanca. ♪ >> bienvenidos. >> pero este encuentro, fue mucho mÁs allá de las intenciones por hablar inglÉs espaÑol. el gran protagonista fue el tema migratorio. >> lo mantendremos nuestro firme rechazo, a que se criminalice la migraciÓn y nos oponemos a la ley de arizona. >> la ley de
ademÁs porque apoya a las damas de blanco en cuba.s al punto con jorge ramos. >> hola quÉ bueno que estÁn con nosotros vamos a comenzar programa por supuesto con la visita del presidente de mÉxico felipe calderÓn a washington. fue una visita muy interesante no sÓlo por su reunión con el presidente barack obama sino por el poco usual discurso, de felipe calderÓn ante el congreso de los estados unidos. esto no pasa todos los dÍas la visita sin embargo quedÓ marcada por algo que...
May 24, 2010
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y porque apoya a las damas de blanco en cuba. >> vamos a comenzar del programa con la visita de calderÓn unidos. una visita muy interesante por el poco usual discurso de calderÓn frente al congreso de los estados unidos. quedÓ marcada por algo que estaba ocurriendo lejos de washington, el secuestro de cevallos, que afectÓ el mensaje de calderÓn de que mÉxico no es un paÍs tan peligroso como lo pintan las noticias. >> calderÓn llegó a washington. pero este encuentro fue mucho mÁs allá de las intenciones y gran protagonista fue el tema migratorio. >> tenemos nuestro firme rechazo a que se criminalice la inmigraciÓn. >> la ley refleja que hay un sistema de inmigraciÓn que no funciona. >> obama estÁ de acuerdo con cambiar la ley de migraciones. reforzar las fronteras, que los indocumentados que esperan el paÍs deberían pagar una multa, aprender inglÉs y pagar los impuestos para poder ser ciudadanos de estados unidos. >> el narcotrÁfico fue otro tema que no pudieron ignorar durante esta visita. mÁs de 22.000 personas han muerto en la lucha contra los narcos desde que estÁ calderÓn en el poder
y porque apoya a las damas de blanco en cuba. >> vamos a comenzar del programa con la visita de calderÓn unidos. una visita muy interesante por el poco usual discurso de calderÓn frente al congreso de los estados unidos. quedÓ marcada por algo que estaba ocurriendo lejos de washington, el secuestro de cevallos, que afectÓ el mensaje de calderÓn de que mÉxico no es un paÍs tan peligroso como lo pintan las noticias. >> calderÓn llegó a washington. pero este encuentro fue...
May 21, 2010
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porque su mamá, aun vive en cuba >>> cuan difícil es vivir ze le jos de tu mamá?on en cuba. >>> ha sido uno de los momentos más lindos que he vivido, no lo portada ya creer, todos el pueblo, en los calles esperando esperandome. pasaron los mejores momentos del show, todo el mundo aplaudo, cuando estaba todo el mundo. y yo llorando >>> cuan difícil será para ti, este momento cuando tenga que entrego a la corona el domingo >>> creo que voy hacer una mezclar de sentimiento. voy estar feliz porque estoy agradecida con dios, con toda las oportunidadess que he tenido este año, pero feliz porque vienen cosas mucho mejor >>> continuará trabajando con univisión, y muy pronto, podríamos verla como actriz de novela >>> en miami, univisión >>> yo sé por qué no me respondes >>> gracias, lo mejor para ti, has tenido un año maravilloso que lo siga aprovechando j ustedes no se pueden pedalear gran final de la blez latina que es el domingo a las 88, 7 centr. todos lo que queda al descubierto >>> así vamos la pausa, un futbolista retirado asegura no es el momento del fútbol sino el
porque su mamá, aun vive en cuba >>> cuan difícil es vivir ze le jos de tu mamá?on en cuba. >>> ha sido uno de los momentos más lindos que he vivido, no lo portada ya creer, todos el pueblo, en los calles esperando esperandome. pasaron los mejores momentos del show, todo el mundo aplaudo, cuando estaba todo el mundo. y yo llorando >>> cuan difícil será para ti, este momento cuando tenga que entrego a la corona el domingo >>> creo que voy hacer una...
May 12, 2010
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under the -- bela ruse and cuba. under the guidance of the ambassador, chief coordinator of lithuania's presidency of the community of democracies, the community created a parliamentary forum in march of this year. i've been impressed by the ambassador's exceptional leadership and commitment to strengthening the role of the community of democracies in fulfilling its mission of promoting democratic institutions and civil societies. in march of this year i was privileged to attend the convening meeting of the parliamentary forum of the community of democracies in lithuania. at the first meeting of the parliamentary forum, the chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the parliament of lithuania was elected as the first president of the parliamentary forum of the community of democracies. he is a charismatic and brilliant leader who will doubtless be an effective president of the parliamentary forum throughout his term. also at the parliamentary forum, i had the great honor of being elected one of the seven vice pres
under the -- bela ruse and cuba. under the guidance of the ambassador, chief coordinator of lithuania's presidency of the community of democracies, the community created a parliamentary forum in march of this year. i've been impressed by the ambassador's exceptional leadership and commitment to strengthening the role of the community of democracies in fulfilling its mission of promoting democratic institutions and civil societies. in march of this year i was privileged to attend the convening...
May 25, 2010
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tambiÉn reacciones entre el diÁlogo del iglesia catÓlica de cuba.l presidente obama apoyÓ una propuesta que concederÍa la anulaciÓn de la polÍtica no pregunte, no diga que se aplica a los como sexuales en las fuerzas armadas. la medida que permitirÍa que el pentÁgono pueda poner en vigor nuevas normas que surgÍan de la actual. el arzobispado de la habana dijo que gobierno cubano se puso de acuerdo con la iglesia. >> los 26 presos que estamos reclamando...y el gobierno y de iglesias y se ponen de acuerdo en un calendario para la liberaciÓn, los otros que queden podrÍamos levantar esta huelga. >> algunos analistas consideran que al escoger a la iglesia como interlocutor el rÉgimen cubano evita que sus anunciadas medidas por los presos se interpreten como concesiones a quienes consideran enemigos. ♪ >> a medida que disminuyan los dÍas para las elecciones presidenciales en colombia aumentan las expectativas de las extremas medidas de seguridad ante las amenazas de las guerrillas de sabotear los comicios. juan carlos nos cuenta cÓmo se viven los dÍas pre
tambiÉn reacciones entre el diÁlogo del iglesia catÓlica de cuba.l presidente obama apoyÓ una propuesta que concederÍa la anulaciÓn de la polÍtica no pregunte, no diga que se aplica a los como sexuales en las fuerzas armadas. la medida que permitirÍa que el pentÁgono pueda poner en vigor nuevas normas que surgÍan de la actual. el arzobispado de la habana dijo que gobierno cubano se puso de acuerdo con la iglesia. >> los 26 presos que estamos reclamando...y el gobierno y de...
May 24, 2010
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aumentar la presión en el congreso para aprobar una reforma migratoria amplía >> pausa y la espera en cubautor ] hecho: cada vez que tomas advil liqui-gels, estás tomando el analgésico que actúa más rápido que tylenol rapid release gels y no sólo más rápido, también es más fuerte. no hay mejor alivio e éste. advil. >> el anuncio sorpresivo lo hizo el prelado de la isla que lo habló directamente raúl castro, los cambios en el trato con los presos kcontempla el estado cubano. de concretarse ría el primer resultado de un inusual diálogo entre raúl castro y los líderes de la iglesia católica cubana. >> situadas cerca de sus familiares y hospital zar a los más enfermos marcaría el cambio en la habana que tilda de conciencia de delincuencia comunes y memereció nis a cambi >> por la presión internacional por dama es de blanco para que se suman personas, son las que tienen el verdadero mérito porque la persona podría a ver inter cedido. >> la muerte de huelga de hambre. los incidentes sobre la huelga de hambre de hace 90 días que tiene para prisioneros enfermos ha tenido un costo político para la
aumentar la presión en el congreso para aprobar una reforma migratoria amplía >> pausa y la espera en cubautor ] hecho: cada vez que tomas advil liqui-gels, estás tomando el analgésico que actúa más rápido que tylenol rapid release gels y no sólo más rápido, también es más fuerte. no hay mejor alivio e éste. advil. >> el anuncio sorpresivo lo hizo el prelado de la isla que lo habló directamente raúl castro, los cambios en el trato con los presos kcontempla el estado...
May 23, 2010
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. >> en cuba el arzobispado confirma que el gobierno se comprometiÓ a trasladar a presos polÍticos a en china abrimos nuestra ventana al mundo. [♪mÚsica♪] >> ocurriÓ en el este de china. un tren de pasajeros descarrilÓ en una zona montaÑosa despuÉs de ser golpeado por un deslizamiento de tierra. al menos ocha personas murieron y otras 280 fueron evacuadas. >> en la india, los investigadores que llevan a cabo la investigaciÓn acerca de las causas del peor accidente, encontraron la caja negra del vuelo. se produjo cuando el aviÓn intentando aterrizar sae liÓ de la pista, se incendiÓ y cayó a un precipicio. 158 personas murieron. >> uno de los paseos mÁs emblemÁticos del mundo se llenÓ de dvores, cultivos e incluso animales de granja. todo como parte de un evento destinado a destacar el trabajo de estas personas. >> regresando a casa, el llamado crÉdico fiscal se termina. los vendedores se precupan temiendo que disminuyan los compadores. sin embargo, los que saben dicen que no es un mal momento para comprarse la casa de sus sueÑos. >> fue una idea bien recibida por muchos, especialmente
. >> en cuba el arzobispado confirma que el gobierno se comprometiÓ a trasladar a presos polÍticos a en china abrimos nuestra ventana al mundo. [♪mÚsica♪] >> ocurriÓ en el este de china. un tren de pasajeros descarrilÓ en una zona montaÑosa despuÉs de ser golpeado por un deslizamiento de tierra. al menos ocha personas murieron y otras 280 fueron evacuadas. >> en la india, los investigadores que llevan a cabo la investigaciÓn acerca de las causas del peor accidente,...
May 3, 2010
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state and -- leninist state and i have communication with people there and follow the situation in cuba, follow the current bloggers there, obviously involved in -- concerned about what is going on, with prisoners of conscience there and overall necessity of having absolute pluralism and freedom there. it's something i'm very engaged in. >> and last week i had the daughter of fidel castro on the show and it was fascinating having come through what she did and she lives in the u.s., a lovely human being, loves freedom and the liberties she has and wishes it were so for all of those fellow cubans still there and we talked about the ladies in white. the remarkably courageous group of people willing to show their solidarity with the folks being oppressed there. i know your heart goes out to the people who don't yet enjoy the freedom that you do. and that also, fidel castro's daughter does. >> juliet: ladies in white is a group i have been following quite some time and narrated a documentary about them and organized a mouth in florida and gloria estefan organized and we organized one here, t
state and -- leninist state and i have communication with people there and follow the situation in cuba, follow the current bloggers there, obviously involved in -- concerned about what is going on, with prisoners of conscience there and overall necessity of having absolute pluralism and freedom there. it's something i'm very engaged in. >> and last week i had the daughter of fidel castro on the show and it was fascinating having come through what she did and she lives in the u.s., a...
May 3, 2010
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. >> my father is from cuba he immigrated here from the 60s. to this day if he goes to arizona with his thick accent and dark skin -- >> i got 30 seconds. reverend al? >> probable cause when you are dealing with a state where you have a sheriff that has rates there is no probable cause there. it's insane to even talk about it. >> it has been defined the court for 20-years. >> i want someone to pull me over and strip searched. something exciting. i don't get pulled over for anything. >> the phones are going to line up with volunteers. >> i am half puerto rican. someone detain me. >> everybody has reasonable susususususu >> good morning, everyone. hope you had awe great weekend. it's monday now. is it may 3rd already? holy cow. the man hunt on for a man who left that bomb in the middle of times square. new surveillance video showing them changing his clothes, taking off his shirt with a red shirt underneath, a dark shirt on top. breaking details ahead. >> meanwhile, the united nations -- united states and iran going head to head making their nucl
. >> my father is from cuba he immigrated here from the 60s. to this day if he goes to arizona with his thick accent and dark skin -- >> i got 30 seconds. reverend al? >> probable cause when you are dealing with a state where you have a sheriff that has rates there is no probable cause there. it's insane to even talk about it. >> it has been defined the court for 20-years. >> i want someone to pull me over and strip searched. something exciting. i don't get pulled...
May 19, 2010
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you don't see cuba having the immense wealth that we have. we have to understand it.hen we had a crisis and things were tetering in the balance people blamed capitol ix. wrongly so people say to me, what can one man do? it's more than just me. it's you. it's a nationwide movement. when i say is watch out, here we come. people are already saying now you need to we've and dodge, you need to become a moderate. you need to distance yourself. the tea party message is not radical. what is extreme is a $2 million deficit. that's what is extreme the tea party message calls for things widely popular. term limits. go out and take a poll. 70-80% are for term limits forcing congress to balance the budget by law. take a pole. reading the bills. who is opposed to them reading the bills? foinlly, one of the things. other establishment figures will lose tonight. what is going on is that this is a movement that people don't like the arrow against. congress, we think shall pass no law they don't make applicable to themselves i'm still unclear if they ex-emented themselves or not. it go
you don't see cuba having the immense wealth that we have. we have to understand it.hen we had a crisis and things were tetering in the balance people blamed capitol ix. wrongly so people say to me, what can one man do? it's more than just me. it's you. it's a nationwide movement. when i say is watch out, here we come. people are already saying now you need to we've and dodge, you need to become a moderate. you need to distance yourself. the tea party message is not radical. what is extreme is...
May 24, 2010
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. >> hoy es un dÍa que podría marcar historia en cuba.o de cambios en la isla. la iglesia catÓlica podrÍa abrir el camino a la liberaciÓn de los presos polÍticos. >> en otras ocasiones han liberado a grandes cantidades de presos polÍticos para dejar tambiÉn a otros cientos en las celdas oldivados. olvidados. >> los que han roto las barreras de desinformaciÓn que ha habido por mÁs de 50 y tantos aÑos en la isla. todo esto produce un gran descontento en la sociedad civil y el gobierno no sabe actuar ante una relaciÓn asÍ. >> pasamos a ciudad juÁrez, mÉxico, segÚn estadÍsticas es la ciudad mÁs violenta del mundo, varias personas fueron asesinadas ahÍ en las Últimas horas. entre ellas 4 estudiantes de electrÓnica que buscaban agua embotellada. fueron asesinados en un pequeÑo supermercado. >> tambiÉn autoridades mexicanas no han dicho si pedirÁn en extradiciÓn a un productor de televisiÓn norteamericano detenido en ese paÍs involucrado por la muerte de su esposa. viajÓ de mÉxico a los Ángeles sin que se sepa exactamente cÓmo lo hizo, autoridad
. >> hoy es un dÍa que podría marcar historia en cuba.o de cambios en la isla. la iglesia catÓlica podrÍa abrir el camino a la liberaciÓn de los presos polÍticos. >> en otras ocasiones han liberado a grandes cantidades de presos polÍticos para dejar tambiÉn a otros cientos en las celdas oldivados. olvidados. >> los que han roto las barreras de desinformaciÓn que ha habido por mÁs de 50 y tantos aÑos en la isla. todo esto produce un gran descontento en la sociedad...
May 12, 2010
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us, we nevertheless got into some very, very nasty crises with them over the cuban missile crisis, cuba most are busy butvr the also berlin several times, the middle east a couple times. what we learn from thatlin experience is is ever takeswhat three things to make crisis management work.o make cris m there are both sides understand each other, basically, having good communications and the two haviership's being able to signal each other in ways thatng will recognize to each site. that's how we got through all this crisis. being we have none of that with iraq. none of it. none, none, none.hrough those we don't understand the iranian. they serve a don't understand ih that we have notifications with. them. and all of our signals areanian. misunderstood by them and all their signals are misunderstood by as. again, i don't want is just containment isn't possible. i believe it absolutely isot possible. it's just going to be hard.oluts >> i would argue the trajectory the north korean issue is inue precisely the same direction.f that we end up with containmente but if it's hard enough to get.
us, we nevertheless got into some very, very nasty crises with them over the cuban missile crisis, cuba most are busy butvr the also berlin several times, the middle east a couple times. what we learn from thatlin experience is is ever takeswhat three things to make crisis management work.o make cris m there are both sides understand each other, basically, having good communications and the two haviership's being able to signal each other in ways thatng will recognize to each site. that's how...
May 11, 2010
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we will discuss these and other recent assaults by the dictatorship in cuba. i welcome and urge you to join us for this important briefing tomorrow at noon in room 2253 rayburn. see you there. thank you, madam speaker. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise? mr. conaway: permission to address the house for one minute and revise and stepped my remarks. i to a constituent from my district. just over three years in the air force, he has been integral to the success. he has flown 364 hours, resulting in 92 operators and they have joined overseas contingency operations and created a community of practice providing real-time and aircraft data. he has assisted in the creation of a new draft of air force techniques and procedures for the m que-9. he is active in charities. these accomplishments earned him the airmen of the year for 2009 and placed as one of the air force's 2010 team of the year members. i thank him for his service to his country and look forward to following his future success. i wish him all the happiness and suc
we will discuss these and other recent assaults by the dictatorship in cuba. i welcome and urge you to join us for this important briefing tomorrow at noon in room 2253 rayburn. see you there. thank you, madam speaker. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise? mr. conaway: permission to address the house for one minute and revise and stepped my remarks. i to a constituent from my district. just over three years in the air force, he has been integral to the...
May 1, 2010
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from cuba? guest: we came out of cuba in 1960 and went to miami for a little while, two years, where we stayed in a hotel. my father thought it was going to be a vacation because this man cannot stay. then we moved to new york and became u.s. citizens. then he got a job in mexico with heinz company, food company. that is how we ended up in mexico. i went to junior high school and high school in mexico. but the interesting thing is, because i was naturalized, when my son was born -- it just highlights the plight of an immigrant and refugee. when my son was born i needed to be in in the u.s. 10 years after the date of my 16th birthday. so i took his application to the desk at the embassy and said i want my son to be a u.s. citizen. i only had eight years. so i walked out without a pass support. it took me 14 years to eventually make my son a u.s. citizen. because of the little quirk in the law. my other daughter was born in the u.s., then my other daughter, we went back to mexico, she was born in
from cuba? guest: we came out of cuba in 1960 and went to miami for a little while, two years, where we stayed in a hotel. my father thought it was going to be a vacation because this man cannot stay. then we moved to new york and became u.s. citizens. then he got a job in mexico with heinz company, food company. that is how we ended up in mexico. i went to junior high school and high school in mexico. but the interesting thing is, because i was naturalized, when my son was born -- it just...
May 3, 2010
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. >> my father is from cuba he immigrated here from the 60s.this day if he goes to arizona with his thick accent and dark skin -- >> i got 30 seconds. reverend al? >> probable cause when you are dealing with a state where you have a sheriff that has rates there is no probable cause there. it's insane to even talk about it. >> it has been defined the court for 20-years. >> i want someone to pull me over and strip searched. something exciting. i don't get pulled over for anything. >> the phones are going to line up with volunteers. >> i am half puerto rican. someone detain me. >> everybody has reasonable susususususu
. >> my father is from cuba he immigrated here from the 60s.this day if he goes to arizona with his thick accent and dark skin -- >> i got 30 seconds. reverend al? >> probable cause when you are dealing with a state where you have a sheriff that has rates there is no probable cause there. it's insane to even talk about it. >> it has been defined the court for 20-years. >> i want someone to pull me over and strip searched. something exciting. i don't get pulled over...
May 5, 2010
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cuba comenzÓ a exigir (...)ida por la gente de san antonio. quÉ es lo que van a hacer? >> siempre ha estado envuelto en la comunidad y siempre dando a la comunidad ya sea por obras de arte, nuestras tradiciones y la cultura. fomentando lo que son nuestras tradiciones y el 5 de mayo es una de esas tradiciones. pedro fernÁndez viene a san antonio, hay fiesta! [risas] >> es muy importante aclarle a todo el pÚblico que el 5 de mayo no es el dÍa de la independencia de mÉxico. >> hay una gran confusiÓn en esto. >> correcto. >> por eso no se celebra tanto. sin embargo, saragoza es una de las cosas que ha influido... >> cuando este territorio pertenerÍa pertenecía a mÉxico. >> que como se dice sigue siendo porque estamos todos los mexicanos. >> lo retomamos. >> quiero aprovechar a darle las gracias a laa academia de danzas de guadalupe y al guapetÓn que nos estÁn deleitando con la danza tradicional mexicana. >> el general saragoza despuÉs de haber ganado la batalla el 5 de mayo de 1872, 5 meses fallece en la ciudad de p
cuba comenzÓ a exigir (...)ida por la gente de san antonio. quÉ es lo que van a hacer? >> siempre ha estado envuelto en la comunidad y siempre dando a la comunidad ya sea por obras de arte, nuestras tradiciones y la cultura. fomentando lo que son nuestras tradiciones y el 5 de mayo es una de esas tradiciones. pedro fernÁndez viene a san antonio, hay fiesta! [risas] >> es muy importante aclarle a todo el pÚblico que el 5 de mayo no es el dÍa de la independencia de mÉxico....
May 20, 2010
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they have not requested any permits off of the shores of cuba. we have to be ready, and we have to have these in reserve. that is not the responsibility of the coast guard. and we have to be ready in case something happens. and if you look at the history of these things, in 1979 we had the worst situation in the history of the gulf. this was not caused by people asleep at the job, on this particular incident. but this continued for nine months. and i think that we have to be prepared, not only for another incident in the deep water, and we have a list -- this is a list of the obama approvals. you see that you are doing this in deeper water, and we have to make certain that if this is done, and we get the approval, that this is finished correctly and we have another plan for what we cannot control. so we are not looking at the gulf shoreline covered in oil. would you say that this is the appropriate way to go? >> i would say that we will learn from this on the intervention capability, and this will have to be understood with industry capacity. >>
they have not requested any permits off of the shores of cuba. we have to be ready, and we have to have these in reserve. that is not the responsibility of the coast guard. and we have to be ready in case something happens. and if you look at the history of these things, in 1979 we had the worst situation in the history of the gulf. this was not caused by people asleep at the job, on this particular incident. but this continued for nine months. and i think that we have to be prepared, not only...
eye 367
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i don't want to go back to cuba. >> the category, top ten favorite george w. bush moments. favorite george w. bush moments. here we go, number ten. oh. number nine. >> if it feels good, do it. if you got a problem, blame somebody else. >> number eight. >> the issue of immigration stirs intense emotions. and in recent weeks americans have seen those emotions on display on the streets of major city cities -- >> number seven. number six. >> let there be a stable iran. iran that capable of rejecting iranian influence. i mean iraq. >> number five. >> i like to fish. >> number four. number three. number two. >> doing a better job of talking to each other. the left hand now knows what the right hand is doing.
i don't want to go back to cuba. >> the category, top ten favorite george w. bush moments. favorite george w. bush moments. here we go, number ten. oh. number nine. >> if it feels good, do it. if you got a problem, blame somebody else. >> number eight. >> the issue of immigration stirs intense emotions. and in recent weeks americans have seen those emotions on display on the streets of major city cities -- >> number seven. number six. >> let there be a stable...
May 3, 2010
eye 251
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. >> my father is from cuba he immigrated here from the 60s.day if he goes to arizona with his thick accent and dark skin -- >> i got 30 seconds. reverend al? >> probable cause when you are dealing with a state where you have a sheriff that has rates there is no probable cause there. it's insane to even talk about it. >> it has been defined the court for 20-years. >> i want someone to pull me over and strip searched. something exciting. i don't get pulled over for anything. >> the phones are going to line up with volunteers. >> i am half puerto rican. someone detain me. >> everybody has reasonable suspicion about kimberly guilfoyle. >> they will catch the bastard the nypd. le announcer ] and not only that, [ male announcer ] most women found olay as luxurious as department store products. [ female announcer ] effective. affordable. regenerist. ies hit, i've got a great way to hit back. i get claritin clear... ...with non-drowsy claritin liqui-gels. it relieves my worst allergy symptoms with pure liquid power. claritin liqui-gels. the only non-d
. >> my father is from cuba he immigrated here from the 60s.day if he goes to arizona with his thick accent and dark skin -- >> i got 30 seconds. reverend al? >> probable cause when you are dealing with a state where you have a sheriff that has rates there is no probable cause there. it's insane to even talk about it. >> it has been defined the court for 20-years. >> i want someone to pull me over and strip searched. something exciting. i don't get pulled over for...
May 22, 2010
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watch out for the flamingos and then come all the way back around cuba and back across the finish lineet's do this, buddy. are you ready. >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: hey, lighthouse keeper, can you start the race for us? [ light laughter ] on your mark -- [ pop ] here we go, go, go. ♪ >> whoa! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm stuck. i'm in the bp oil spill. >> good. [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers ] [ scattered applause ] >> jimmy: you're in the track. what are you doing? [ laughter ] you're going with your boat. >> oh. >> jimmy: this is remote controlled. >> i never thought of that. >> jimmy: he's going to beat me though. this is ridiculous. what am i doing? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: you did it, pal. awesome. congratulations. you're the winner. he's my man. donald trump, "the celebrity apprentice" live finale this sunday, 9:00 p.m. on nbc. jorge garcia joins us next. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ female announcer ] a better start to a better day begins with a balanced breakfast. country crock has 70% less saturated fat than butter, and 30% fewer calories. add multigrain toast, fresh f
watch out for the flamingos and then come all the way back around cuba and back across the finish lineet's do this, buddy. are you ready. >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: hey, lighthouse keeper, can you start the race for us? [ light laughter ] on your mark -- [ pop ] here we go, go, go. ♪ >> whoa! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm stuck. i'm in the bp oil spill. >> good. [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers ] [ scattered applause ] >> jimmy: you're in the track. what are you doing? [...
May 28, 2010
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for the transferor release of individuals detained at united states naval station guantanamo bay, cuba. none of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this act may be used to transfer, release or exist in the transferor release to or within the united states, its fer towers or possessions of sheik muhammad or any other detainee who is not a member of the armed forces of the united states or two was or is held after january 20, 2009 at the united states naval station guantanamo bay, cuba, by the department of defense. in section 1037 a 1 c strike within the exclusive investigative jurisdiction of the inspector general of the department of defense and insert in the united states. section 1037, strike subsection b, strike paragraph two. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. members and staff will take their seats. the gentleman from virginia. mr. forbes: mr. speaker, sometimes things are not as complex as we try to make them here in washington. in fact, our best decisions come down to simple truths and one of those truths is that americans are safer when our government
for the transferor release of individuals detained at united states naval station guantanamo bay, cuba. none of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this act may be used to transfer, release or exist in the transferor release to or within the united states, its fer towers or possessions of sheik muhammad or any other detainee who is not a member of the armed forces of the united states or two was or is held after january 20, 2009 at the united states naval station guantanamo bay, cuba, by...
May 12, 2010
eye 177
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we had people from iran and china and russia and cuba.ge and i to continue to work on policy. without being involved in politics. george is not making political commentings. >> larry: and he's writing his book. >> he's writing his book. >> larry: have you spoke to the current first lady? >> i have, just when i gave her the tour and saw each other at ted kennedy's funeral. >> larry: what do you make of the president so far? >> i'm watching with great interest. i know what that job is like and how demanding it is. and what comes to the desk of the president, which is every single problem in the world. and but i'm enjoying my private life at home. >> larry: formers tend to sympathize with their predecessors. >>
we had people from iran and china and russia and cuba.ge and i to continue to work on policy. without being involved in politics. george is not making political commentings. >> larry: and he's writing his book. >> he's writing his book. >> larry: have you spoke to the current first lady? >> i have, just when i gave her the tour and saw each other at ted kennedy's funeral. >> larry: what do you make of the president so far? >> i'm watching with great interest....
eye 288
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to your house, i felt to have spent 20 minutes with him about human rights, everything happening in cuba to him about the immigration reform, i know he was focused. he has a lot of problems, but he didn't say he was going to help. we got a briefing and they feel that definitely it's on his agenda. he's going to work on it. >> working on it and taking the risk of getting bruised up to try to get it passed are two different things. the president himself said he would like to get it done but he's not sure there's an appetite. is your advice to him, mr. president, you must do this, you must take the risk or you risk losing the big latino support you had in the campaign? >> the history, i want to tell you something, it doesn't help the latino community, he's going to lose their vote. people are counting on him. he promised that. i feel he will do it. i feel he has a lot of problems now on his agenda. i feel the commitment. i think what he told me it was a priority, he's going to work. he will do it. i hope so. because if he doesn't do it now, people will ask him why he didn't deliver his prom
to your house, i felt to have spent 20 minutes with him about human rights, everything happening in cuba to him about the immigration reform, i know he was focused. he has a lot of problems, but he didn't say he was going to help. we got a briefing and they feel that definitely it's on his agenda. he's going to work on it. >> working on it and taking the risk of getting bruised up to try to get it passed are two different things. the president himself said he would like to get it done but...
May 12, 2010
eye 228
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we had people there from iran and china and russia and cuba and venezuela.a way for george and i to continue to work on policy without being involved in politics, and as you've noticed, george is not making political comments. >> larry: he's writing his book? >> he's writing his book. >> larry: have you spoken to the current first lady? >> i have, just when gave her the tour and we saw each other at ted kennedy's funeral, but, no, not really. >> larry: what do you make of the president so far? >> i'm watching with great interest. i know what that job is like. i know how demanding it is. what comes on the desk of the president, which is every single problem in the world, but i'm enjoying my private life at home. >> larry: formers tend to sympathize with their predecessors. >> that's right. it's like a club, a way to have
we had people there from iran and china and russia and cuba and venezuela.a way for george and i to continue to work on policy without being involved in politics, and as you've noticed, george is not making political comments. >> larry: he's writing his book? >> he's writing his book. >> larry: have you spoken to the current first lady? >> i have, just when gave her the tour and we saw each other at ted kennedy's funeral, but, no, not really. >> larry: what do you...
May 9, 2010
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and so knows an awful lot about the region, including the caribbean and cuba. and we had a conversation with another conference many years ago about his work. he decided to pursue a dissertation after he retired from the agency, and chose this as his subject. and he approached me one day. i was very interested. i thought, especially in light of post-9/11, there's an awful lot of interest in guantanamo, of course. but not much note about the history of the place. so i thought this would be a good opportunity for a good book. >> these conferences are not really about usually offer new books, but having new authors approach you, perhaps? >> it's a little bit of both. we definitely do want to show off our new books. this is a chance to reach out to the core audience for a lot of these books. but also it is a good way to meet new scholars and get it introduced a new project. a little of both. >> ranjit, you were to manage of university can the press and now you and acquisition editor to want to tell me about what that entails? >> sure. i had been on the marketing si
and so knows an awful lot about the region, including the caribbean and cuba. and we had a conversation with another conference many years ago about his work. he decided to pursue a dissertation after he retired from the agency, and chose this as his subject. and he approached me one day. i was very interested. i thought, especially in light of post-9/11, there's an awful lot of interest in guantanamo, of course. but not much note about the history of the place. so i thought this would be a...
May 16, 2010
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he has business in cuba, but i will not give him a leg up. i will not tell him where that lies. shall die, but that's all i shall do. this is a hard test or people to us. by the time i got to mr. miller he was quite old, but he continued to witness throughout his life come in many decades. i remember is that the nation magazine publishing an article a very humorous account to a dinner at the american embassy in turkey at the head of the pen delegation which him and how were pentair and how panter gave the american ambassador of turkey not lewdly ruinous time throughout the dinner all night because of turkey's treatment of the kurdish minority and i have my differences and i've had my differences with the same american ambassador and i cannot most feel sorry for ambassador starts to ache on having to face painter for an evening knowing that the american policy was complicit in a new southeast and syria. and he couldn't let that go. he could've said were here and i delegation of rights. we can sit this one out. no you can't. this is your chance. we'll always be sorry later if you
he has business in cuba, but i will not give him a leg up. i will not tell him where that lies. shall die, but that's all i shall do. this is a hard test or people to us. by the time i got to mr. miller he was quite old, but he continued to witness throughout his life come in many decades. i remember is that the nation magazine publishing an article a very humorous account to a dinner at the american embassy in turkey at the head of the pen delegation which him and how were pentair and how...
May 24, 2010
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"we all hear about some eutopia somewhere like france, sweden, even cuba. why are they poorer than us?" cassandra, are you there now? caller: yes, i am here. if someone calls up and says forget god, how are you going to forget god? you do not sell your soul to the devil. it is evil that is going on. that is all i have got to say. host: "don't ask, don't tell," in the headlines this morning. craig would lock rights key votes are pending in congress that put the game and lesbians from serving in the military and it remains too close to call. the senate armed services committee is expected to vote by the end of the week on an amendment to the annual defense spending bill that would end opel quote don't ask, don't tell." carl levin favors the repeal, but it is unclear whether he has enough votes six senators on the panel are considered undecided, legislative sources said three the house is expected to vote on a similar measure this week, based on the repeal proposed by senator -- representative patrick murphy. the house armed services committee declined to act
"we all hear about some eutopia somewhere like france, sweden, even cuba. why are they poorer than us?" cassandra, are you there now? caller: yes, i am here. if someone calls up and says forget god, how are you going to forget god? you do not sell your soul to the devil. it is evil that is going on. that is all i have got to say. host: "don't ask, don't tell," in the headlines this morning. craig would lock rights key votes are pending in congress that put the game and...
May 2, 2010
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his arrival not from cuba, but from mexico, new span, the country most on jefferson's mind after the louisiana purchase. the presence of his friend domestica again called on representing the french revolution that jefferson had so famously supported. the coffee chapters, caradoc's coexistence, the orinoco's mysterious petroglyphs, the traveler's astonishing ascent of huguenot though, higher than any human being before it is appalled that weren't enough, he added i would love to talk with you about a subject to chief treated so ingeniously in your work on virginia, the teeth of the mammoth which we discovered in the andes. well, humboldt me that finding mammoth teeth near the equator would inflame the curiosity of the man who had written that man's remains have never been found further south than tennessee. as a final touch, humboldt found himself bear in humboldt, member of the berlin academy of science, a title he virtually never used and an affiliation which technically he could not get cleaned. while jefferson to debate and wrote back immediately primacy in a warm welcome in the n
his arrival not from cuba, but from mexico, new span, the country most on jefferson's mind after the louisiana purchase. the presence of his friend domestica again called on representing the french revolution that jefferson had so famously supported. the coffee chapters, caradoc's coexistence, the orinoco's mysterious petroglyphs, the traveler's astonishing ascent of huguenot though, higher than any human being before it is appalled that weren't enough, he added i would love to talk with you...
May 1, 2010
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if it is something i hate and it is anti-black in places i don't hate such as cuba.ave called for the end of the world but if i can get out of the way of the results in my riding, if i can think of my riding as something that a company's political struggle as opposed to something that will cause political struggle, then maybe i will be able to explore the forbidden territory, the unspoken demand that the world comes to an end. the thing i can say. maybe i can harness the energy of the political movement to make a breakthroughs of the imagination that the movement can't always accommodate to maintain this organizational capacity. that is what i would like to say today. thank you. >> thank you. and now for the exciting part, if you will. anyone who wishes to begin the process, just grab hold of the mike and hollered black as they say. >> how are you doing? >> here they come. the icebreaker. >> when i was teaching high with a media historian. a gentleman -- i didn't get your name. something very provocative for me. that is the end of tax. you rightly pointed out the sig
if it is something i hate and it is anti-black in places i don't hate such as cuba.ave called for the end of the world but if i can get out of the way of the results in my riding, if i can think of my riding as something that a company's political struggle as opposed to something that will cause political struggle, then maybe i will be able to explore the forbidden territory, the unspoken demand that the world comes to an end. the thing i can say. maybe i can harness the energy of the political...
May 3, 2010
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petro dollars in cuba that went through venezuela. one more point, very important. in the u.s.s drilling there right now and may be drilling for the chinese. >> steve: what do you make of these people who have suggested there is a possibility this could be sabotage? >> well, sabotage -- in fact, the ceo of bp says we're not sure how this happened. we don't know, so you can't speculate. but the question is, i saw earlier on the show, someone saying, why the delay in the response? nine days before it was even addressed, 12 days before he made a formal comment. the question is, did they let this thing leak? bp said 1,000-barrel has day. did they let it leak a little bit and say, boy, i don't know. the conspiracy theory would say they let it. >> gretchen: that would make a huge accusation. >> it would be and probably the net result would be no different, but if they're going to try and -- >> brian: watch you on happy tower today. >> 5:00 o'clock. #. >> gretchen: for our schedules, it's noon. >> steve: happy hour is 9:00 a.m. for us today. >> gretchen: i'll be for that. coming up, p
petro dollars in cuba that went through venezuela. one more point, very important. in the u.s.s drilling there right now and may be drilling for the chinese. >> steve: what do you make of these people who have suggested there is a possibility this could be sabotage? >> well, sabotage -- in fact, the ceo of bp says we're not sure how this happened. we don't know, so you can't speculate. but the question is, i saw earlier on the show, someone saying, why the delay in the response?...
May 20, 2010
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there are some who would argue that the embargo in cuba have been on too long. there are some who believe sanctions against north korea have been useful. personally, i believe we need to keep sanctions in the toolbox and figure out how to make them as effective as possible, but also to use positive trade and aid, and to go back to bill cosby, show the best of america, in terms of communication and an image of the country that is free. host: recently, "the new york times" -- your group talk about breeding conditions for success in afghanistan. can you take us through your vision of how nato can get us there? guest: first of all, let me mention how we deal at with afghanistan in the report. our building blocks are for next decade, not the next seven months. we look at afghanistan as, what lessons can be learned from it? first of all, if nato is to be involved in a situation such as afghanistan, it is important that we plan together, that we have a proper command structure to make sure that there is a military and civilian component. that is what is really evident.
there are some who would argue that the embargo in cuba have been on too long. there are some who believe sanctions against north korea have been useful. personally, i believe we need to keep sanctions in the toolbox and figure out how to make them as effective as possible, but also to use positive trade and aid, and to go back to bill cosby, show the best of america, in terms of communication and an image of the country that is free. host: recently, "the new york times" -- your group...
May 29, 2010
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good grief, you may be going to cuba. i think it's ironic after all of our fears of china, we may wind up trashing cuba's fishing industry after all these years. this could be a little change in world policy before it's over. host: thanks for all of your calls during this segment of the show. coming up next, we're talking about the declining crime rate of the united states with our guest, james alan fox. we'll be right back. >> he was a rock star. >> sunday, speaker of the house, senator, wig party founder, and five-time presidential candidate henry clay on c-span's "q&a." this holiday weekend, nonfiction books and authors on c-span2's book tv. on afterwards, "perfect storm" author "war: embedded with the 173rd airborne in afghanistan." and a former shell president on why we hate the oil companies. three days of book tv, memorial day weekend. get the whole schedule at booktv.org. >> there are three types of people in this world. there are those that make it happen. there are those that watch it happen. and then there are
good grief, you may be going to cuba. i think it's ironic after all of our fears of china, we may wind up trashing cuba's fishing industry after all these years. this could be a little change in world policy before it's over. host: thanks for all of your calls during this segment of the show. coming up next, we're talking about the declining crime rate of the united states with our guest, james alan fox. we'll be right back. >> he was a rock star. >> sunday, speaker of the house,...
May 5, 2010
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the luke current is a current of water that comes up the western side of cuba in between cuba and the yucatan peninsula of mexico, up into the northern gulf of mexico, loops and comes from the south off of the southwest coast of florida, loops down around the florida keys and turns northeast and northward, hugs the florida keys, becomes the gulf stream, which hugs the keys and those delicate coral reefs. 85% of north america's coral reefs are in the keys. and then hugs the shore of florida along the southeast coast all the way up to central florida to fort pierce, florida, where it then leaves the coast of florida, goes across the atlantic ocean and ends up over close to scotland. that's the gulf stream. it was the stream that 500 years ago used to carry the spanish galleons along with the wind back from their discoveries of the new world as they went back to europe. now, you can imagine if the spill gets so big in the gulf of mexico, that then it encounters the loop current and that spill then starts carrying that oil down the southwest coast of florida, around the florida keys, hugg
the luke current is a current of water that comes up the western side of cuba in between cuba and the yucatan peninsula of mexico, up into the northern gulf of mexico, loops and comes from the south off of the southwest coast of florida, loops down around the florida keys and turns northeast and northward, hugs the florida keys, becomes the gulf stream, which hugs the keys and those delicate coral reefs. 85% of north america's coral reefs are in the keys. and then hugs the shore of florida...
May 21, 2010
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pasamos a cuba, ahÍ la iglesia catÓlica y el gobernante raÚl castro iniciaron negociaciones con el mandatarioupuesto mensaje del ex presidente george w. bush. el anuncio muestra a un sonriente bush que pregunta en inglÉs por supuesto que si lo extraÑan, no se sabe quiÉn mandÓ a poner este cartel. en indonesia comenzÓ la filmaciÓn de una pelÍcula sobre la infancia del presidente barak obama. se estrenarÁ el 27 de junio. sus temas centrales serÁn el poder de los sueÑos, el pluralismo y el ambiente cultural donde naciÓ barak obama. asÍ amanece el mundo, hoy es viernes. mÁs adelante mÁs noticias. a partir del primero de junio comienza un programa de retratriaciÓn para los ciudadanos que quieran regresar a su paÍs. vamos con un modelito que nunca lo ha visto, estÁ guapÍsimo, despuÉs de esto. (publicidad) >> srs. vamos a ver cÓmo amanecen los estados unidos y las temperaturas, las mÁximas aquÍ en el continente. >> tiene su nube y llueve por Áreas. 62 en san francisco. mientras tanto, parcialmente solaedo en los Ángeles, vamos a ver lluvias para los lagos, los grandes lagos especialmente chicago, va
pasamos a cuba, ahÍ la iglesia catÓlica y el gobernante raÚl castro iniciaron negociaciones con el mandatarioupuesto mensaje del ex presidente george w. bush. el anuncio muestra a un sonriente bush que pregunta en inglÉs por supuesto que si lo extraÑan, no se sabe quiÉn mandÓ a poner este cartel. en indonesia comenzÓ la filmaciÓn de una pelÍcula sobre la infancia del presidente barak obama. se estrenarÁ el 27 de junio. sus temas centrales serÁn el poder de los sueÑos, el pluralismo...
May 22, 2010
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close eye on, this loop current comes up and forms a -- sort of forms a loop over the north coast of cuba, if you will and the loop can grow so it reachings farther and farther north. but it acts like business sauce and cut back through it -- buzz saws and cut back through it. and there is some evidence that when you look at some of the current maps that that's what's happening right now. that there is an eddie down, you know, just north of the cuban coast that is beginning to cut through, pruning this thing. if it does break off in the right way, it will become a free-standing eddie, if you will and based on the studies that have been done on how this behave, that may start moving west away from the eastern part of the gulf and in towards texas and mexico. and it's not clear. there are some case, some scenarios in which that eddie can actually help corral the oil where it can effect operate like a bull dozer and move it along farther west so some of the coastlines that could be more affected if that were to happen would be along the texas gulf coast. and perhaps even parts of mexico. so
close eye on, this loop current comes up and forms a -- sort of forms a loop over the north coast of cuba, if you will and the loop can grow so it reachings farther and farther north. but it acts like business sauce and cut back through it -- buzz saws and cut back through it. and there is some evidence that when you look at some of the current maps that that's what's happening right now. that there is an eddie down, you know, just north of the cuban coast that is beginning to cut through,...
May 31, 2010
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tremendous margin, mexico, china -- by a tremendous margin, mexico, china, the philippines, india, cuba, vietnam, el salvador, korea, the dominican republic, and canada. no european countries in the top 10 in 2000. germany had been in the top three of countries of foreign birth in every census until 1980. now, it is not even in the top 10. the first nine on the list of developing countries, only canada has an advanced industrialized economy and a middle-class majority, and of the 10, only 1 cents caucasian immigrants to the united states -- and only one one sends caucasian immigrants to the united states. in many cases, they are who they were 150 years ago. poor, agrarian, and incredibly hard-working. there also younger than many americans, so there are more likely to pay into schemes like social security for more years before they start to collect. they are also more likely on average to have more children, so on the one hand, the reinvigorate areas that decline in postwar decades, -- they reinvigorate areas, but they also are more likely to use public schools, social services, and at
tremendous margin, mexico, china -- by a tremendous margin, mexico, china, the philippines, india, cuba, vietnam, el salvador, korea, the dominican republic, and canada. no european countries in the top 10 in 2000. germany had been in the top three of countries of foreign birth in every census until 1980. now, it is not even in the top 10. the first nine on the list of developing countries, only canada has an advanced industrialized economy and a middle-class majority, and of the 10, only 1...