but in her classes, cuddy noticed that power seemed to have a physical connection as much as a mentalwith power and dominance, across the animal kingdom. so they're sitting in ways that i can't sit right now. so they're sitting with their knees apart, and you know, an arm draped over the seat next to them. >> reporter: most of the women were exactly the opposite. knees close together, assuming low power positions. >> they're contracting. they're making themselves as small as they can. they don't want to bump into the person next to them. >> i laugh because i know because that's how i often find myself sitting. i think a lot of women can relate to that. with dana carney of the university of berkeley at california, cuddy set out to discover if power could come from a pose. >> we wanted to know if the body could shape your mind. >> reporter: hormones are chemical messengers that signal how body and mind should react to a variety of stimuli. in powerful people the hormones testosterone drives confidence and assertiveness. in stressed-out individuals, cortisol is the hormone that spikes. c