host: including cudjo lewis. guest: cudjo lewis was one of the leaders of it. what is also astonishing about cudjo, he is the last living male person from a slave ship to pass away. he passed away in the 1930's. so, he has that distinction. and the writer of zora neale hurston wrote a book about him called "barracoon," which came out not too long ago. and all the descendants of these people, like, they lived in africatown. some still live in act africa -- they still live in africatown today. you have people today who know who their ancestors are exactly. they know where they come from. most african-americans can't trace back and we don't know. so, it is amazing that they've got this story. host: tara roberts, how many dives have you made with diving with a purpose? guest: i don't know. i stopped counting. not nearly near as many -- host: over 100? is 100 a fair number? guest: maybe somewhere around there. host: are you to the instructor level yet? guest: no, i'm not. host: is it time under the water that counts? guest: it is time under the water, but also instr