inside this stone fortress is the culinary institute of america's napa valley campus. some 500 doctors and health professionals recently got a crash course in how to build food and nutrition into their medical practices. they spent four days sautÉing, slicing and tasting. it's put on by the harvard school of public health and the culinary institute and a few dozen food service companies who sponsor the event. >> at this conference, we bring in some of the top nutrition scientists in the world to say look here's the evidence that eating these foods keeps you healthy or reduces your risk of disease, whereas eating these foods really speeds up your risk of heart disease cancer diabetes. second the chefs at the culinary institute who are not just great chefs, but great teachers say let me show you how to do that. >> reporter: doctor david eisenberg from harvard's school of public health is master of ceremonies and founder of this event, it's called healthy kitchens healthy lives. one thing he's trying to change may be surprising. most doctors, he says, aren't taught much a