in a culter you are where news traveled slowly, both informing the public and heartening them. dolly was very conscious of the honor paid to her and sarah gale seton noticed the pride and patriotism that fused dolly's face and said i saw her color come and go. as always, dolly's visibility cut both ways and her position as a disinterested patriot did not go unquestioned. political enemies tried to turn events against her. samuel taggert -- thus tarnishing the united states' reputation. according to taggert, an englishman in the city basically observed that charlotte meaning the queen of great britain would not have done so with the american colors. dolly denied making such a gesture and indeed the story seems unlikely. such a public display of negativity seems out of character for a woman of such control and consciousness in addition to the fact that the federalists circulated the story seemed suspicious. according to dolly, when the men were carrying the flal flag by her, commodore stewart let his end fall and it was another lady who cried out trample on it, trample on it and