myself attest this is a cabal guilty of rape as a weapon of war, extra judicial killings, cupulsory relocation, incarceration of opponents in unspeakable conditions and exconstructie excrutiating torture where fear run ares through society like blood running through veins. one woman has depriprived such two decades. that is why she is with us here this afternoon. [ applause ] however, there is room for cautious optimism. the recent election to parliament of our guests accompanied by 42 of her colleagues are welcome signs of reform. we hope that ferver and fundamental reform will lead to the freedom democracy and rule of law which we have so long enjoyed and the people of b uflt burma have too long denied. a journey of 1000 miles must start with a single step. we are proud that one such step will be taken in this parliament today. it is my privilege to welcome the consense of a country. [ applause ] >> lord speaker, mr. speaker, mr. prime minister, my lords and members of the house of commons, thank you for inviting me to speak to you here in this magnificent hall. i'm conscious of the extraord