johnathan cohen serves as cure e cureator. there is no other space for a graffiti artist. >> anan icon of street art it's been a back drop of music videos. the building is now slated for destruction. the name five points refers to the five boroughs of new york city all coming together. the site attracts graffiti artists anded admirers all over the world. the fact it's being taken down it's hitting them hard. >> all average around the worlde talks about five points. and it's really sad if it's gone. >> the owners plan to build two high-rises on the site. after years of allowing the artists to work there. the ma plan is to have gallery space for the artists and a space for the artwork outside of the building. >> the folks at five points wanted it to be just what it is. kind of forever. and that wasn't possible given the private ownership of the land. >> but the artists are not happy. they have filed a la lawsuit unr what is known as the visual artists rights act. which gives artists some say over their works regardless who owns