colleague, i would like to once again welcome congressman clawson as our newest addition to the florida delegation familia. congratulations, curt, and welcome. the floor is yours, i yield to the gentleman. mr. clawson: it appears there are too many point guards in this hall. i start by bowing in humility to my god, hoping for wisdom and inspiration on a responsibility so big on my shoulders that we all share, of course. my second point today is that i am committed to represent those in my district, and not only those that voted for me, but those that did not. young and old. male and female. white, african-american, or hose that speak spanish. [speaking spanish] i am committed to representing all my constituents in a fair way. my grandfather was a gardener in his spare time and he had a long, dark closet. at the end of that closet was a picture of a judge in long, flowing robes, and at the bottom of that picture was written the following words. we call him your honor to remember our own. i've always felt that my father and grandfather didn't need that reminder very often, but i come to you today hoping to bring just a small meas