just completely inappropriate when you consider the home is where she was victimized and judge curt eisgruber adds insult to injury when he tells mandy, her husband may have been, quote, a terrible husband, but that he's a loving father and she should work toward forgiveness. >> i'm still to this day, baffled that those words came out of the judge's mouth. >> i could not believe my ears when i heard it. i thought, the man is insane. he was just flat out insane for doing that. >> i felt like he thinks of male to rape like a lot of people think of marital rape, that it's okay and that it's not real rape. >> judge curt eisgruber declined to comment on the sentence. prosecutor courtney curtis believes the judge's opinion reflects society's attitude toward marital rape. >> i think there's an unwillingness to accept that it is as bad as other forms of rap. >> it is something that no wife or woman should ever have happened to them. >> but the judge's decision would be called into question again after david wiggins violated the terms of his house arrest and eventually spent a year in jail, and later