the panel selected curtis ba barting i'd like to introduce the principle. thank you. item 5 d talked about the contract with jones hall for the issuance of the refunding bonds the maximum payment is $10,022,500 the total amount maybe lower depending on the total amount of the traction that can change according to bond issuance in the order of 8 bond but several of those bonds maybe dropping out so we structured the request for pricing to allows to reduce the fees if the transaction goes down. that's spelled out in detail of the exhibit and outlined in the memo. item 5 f authorized the special contract with curtis barting for the services for the funding bonds that have $60,000 including expenses as pointed out by the dissolution gives the authority subject to the transaction and approval by the oversight board enter into contracts that have the refunding bonds. briefly for context to date we've retained financial advisor we can begin on the key documents and our fee one way or another for the underwriter we expect the review to be complete by the third week of july an