westmoreland also cabled marine general cushman to say there has been extensive backgrounding here in saigon with the various news bureau chiefs to point out that establish of mac v forward carried no stigma whatsoever with respect to the marines, that it was merely a normal military practice and that it was only temporary. unfortunately, only the temporary was true. the other denials were false as evidenced not only by general david soften's eyewitness account, but also by a lengthy and anguished cable westmoreland had sent contemporaneously to general earl wheeler, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. as you perhaps appreciated, he began, the military professionalism of the marines falls far short of the standards that should be demanded by our armed forces. indeed, they are brave and proud, but their standards, tactics and lack of command supervision throughout their ranks requires improvement in the national interests. and there was more. i would be less than frank, added west more lan, if i did not say that i feel somewhat insecure with the situation in the province in view of