cowardly remember this is the italian coastal community of custer vol 2 a no new naples once an upscale resort now a wasteland we visited before the corona virus pandemic this is nigeria just because i'm not the nigerian mafia has taken reach here in my own bathroom and this former member tells us how his countrymen make millions and people smuggling drugs running and prostitution he wishes to remain anonymous so we'll simply call him duffy did he change signs to work with the italian authorities and now his life's in danger is good. because i want to know is the headquarters. for the larger mafia. because this is the only political story. without control and there are many in the boosters here going from want to know where they got id i think they are going to do everything they want without. notifying this day or the. deputy used to work as a drug career for the nigerian mafia he would swallow sealed pellets containing cocaine and then smuggle them across international borders to italy. or i go swallow up 1.2 kilos you cannot get credit you know so you have to be without food if you h