. >> i am going to call a couple more names, cuterer harrison, robert fasana and richard hible., and tara houseman and bob plantle. >> and i am charles and on behave of the lexos cab company and neighborer to the services we have provided wheelchair for decades, we introduced taxi magic for 2008 and provided the first rides in that year, or two years before uber's first ride. and we now, participate probably in flywheels and the network of 1400 cabs, and i would like to use the rest of my time to offer words of respect to the thousands of law abiding blue collar men and women of san francisco taxi industry, you the cab drivers have conducted yourselves honorable and withself respect during these difficult years when too many of our elected officials have had only words of praise or for the law breakers, uber lift and the rest have made fools of the people who follow the rules, and i urge you to restore the rule of law thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> good morning, i'm revalos and i am a medallion holder and i purchase ited in october of 2013 andvy been a taxi driver for 2