experts estimate that every one of us can only emit cutrone of c o 2 per year that's 5.5 kilograms per day to slow down climate change so challenging air. i tend to take longer showers and like them hot this one generates about 600 grams of c o 2. almost all of the clothes a half 2nd and this is basically all of the clothes i am fairly low points for me i also wear my clothes and shoes for years so today's outfit only adds 15 grams to my c o 22 i'm doing fairly well energy wise because i live with 5 people and reduce renewable energy all electricity and heating amounts to an average 260 grams per person per day. at least i can walk to work. but it turns out all the streets infrastructure schools called all of that account 2 kilograms of spirit to. date already. i thought the bread with cheese and butter i often have for breakfast isn't too bad but it turns out all those farting cattle are actually quite bad for the environment. since i'm lazy i always take the elevator. i thought i was doing ok but i'm already quite close to the 5.5 kilogram limit. and this juicy beef burger really pil