my name is cuyler costanzo. i serve as a clinical coordinator of our treatment services. i oversee treatment in akron, our home office, we just recently opened up a halfway house and a recovery center in marrietta ohio. we're a nonprofit community corrections agency that treats our clients for substance use disorders. we're also an approved medically assisted treatment agency. we are approved to prescribe vivitrol. we've seen some pretty good successes with that. what it does it treats the opiate addicts physical cravings, so it reduces that so we can then put together a treatment plan where we can then unpack the psychological things that they're dealing with. in counseling. we apply both those at the same time. we have other locations, not only in akron and in marrietta, we're in cleveland, tiffen, freemont and sandusky. most of my client population, their individuals that have been sentenced for substance related charges. whether it was a possession charge, selling to support their habit, that would be a trafficking charge. operating vehicles under the influence. other